Can multiple individuals enter inventory counts?


There may be inventory categories or inventory storage locations where different people are going to enter Inventory Counts at the same time.  COGS-Well can facilitate multiple individuals working on the same Inventory Count entry if the rules below are followed:

  1. First, select to add a count for the date the counts will be entered via the Inventory Count Entry feature. Select whether the count will be entered by Category or Storage Location and then save the count with no count entries. This will create a count that can now be modified.
  2. Next, each User who will enter a count should select to edit the count that was just saved.
  3. Users entering counts should work in separate Inventory Categories or Storage Locations. If multiple individuals enter counts for the same Inventory Category or Storage Location, they could overwrite what the other User has entered.

Note 1: The Count Worksheet can be printed with page breaks between each inventory category and storage location. The sheets for each section can be given to the individuals for counting the area they are responsible for. This is the "Page break for each location/category" option on the Count Worksheet.

Note 2: You can also enter more than one Valuation Count for the same date in COGS-Well. An example is a separate count for the restaurant versus the bar. To do this you will need to set up Inventory Groups to use for count entry. This article on Using a Group for Counts explains how to set up and use Groups.

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