Assign Vendors to Sites


The Assign Vendors to Sites function provides the ability for each Site to have all Vendors, or unique Vendors, assigned to it. COGS-Well support typically performs this feature for you when it is required (usually as part of setting up a new customer or an additional Site).

  • Things to know!

      • COGS-Well support typically performs this feature for you when it is required (usually as part of setting up a new customer or an additional Site)
      • This feature will only be accessible and visible to users who are given access to it.
      • This feature is typically only utilized by a System Administrator. 
      • This feature allows you to select a Site, and then assign Vendors
      • You can also assign Vendors to Sites in the Add or Edit Sites function.  Assign Vendors to Sites is just another option.

         Assign Vendors to Sites:

Vendors are set up and maintained via Inventory>Setup>Vendors.  Site assignments can be made for vendors in this feature as well.  This feature allows you to select a Site, and then assign Vendors.  The Vendor setup function in Inventory, allows you to select a Vendor and then assign Sites. 

The screen below is utilized to add or edit Vendor Site assignments. All Sites in the system will be displayed in the name column. Select Edit next to the Site you want to add or change vendor assignments for.

    • Assigned Vendors Tab:

      If you select Edit Vendor Assignments for a Site, a screen like below will display. Vendors can be selected or deselected for Site assignments:

      Available and Selected: Listed under the Available column are all the active Vendors that are available to be assigned to this Site, but have not been assigned. Listed under the Selected column are all the Vendors that have been assigned to this Site. To move a Vendor from one selection to another, check the box by the Vendor you want to move and then hit the arrow direction you want to move them to.

      Ordering Overrides Tab:

      Ordering Overrides only need to be utilized if you are going to use the Ordering functions, and only if your Vendors utilize unique codes to identify each site, and/or some of your Sites will email their orders to a unique email address.  If you select the Ordering Overrides tab, a screen like below will display:

      Site Customer Code: You can optionally use COGS-Well to store the customer code that your vendor utilizes for each of your Sites. If you are emailing orders to your Vendors and a Vendor requires a Site Code with your order, then you will want to enter it. 

      Vendor DC Code: If you are exporting orders to this vendor electronically then this code is used by the vendor to identify the vendor's distribution center. 

      Site Access Code: If you are exporting orders to this vendor electronically then this code is used by the vendor to identify your site.  

Vendor Email Address: A master Vendor email address for orders is stored for each Vendor as part of the Vendor Setup.  You only need to enter a Vendor email address here if the Site sends its orders to a different email address than the master. 

Save, Delete, and Exit

At the bottom of the screen are the Save, and Exit buttons.

Save - Saves the entry or entries without exiting.

Exit -  Exits without saving any new entries or edits.

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