Accounting - GL Account Maps


The Accounting - GL Account Maps feature enables you to map (link) your accounting system chart of accounts to the matching GL (General Ledger) accounts in COGS-Well. This feature is typically maintained for you by the COGS-Well support team. If you have questions, then please contact

Things to know!

  • Only Users who have been given access to this function will be able to see or access it.
  • The COGS-Well support team will typically have done the initial setup of your GL Accounts and the GL Account Mapping to your accounting system.
  • GL Accounts can be added or edited via the Company > Setup > GL Accounts function.

Edit Accounting - GL Account Maps

Navigate to Accounting > Setup > {Accounting} - GL Account Maps and a screen similar to the one below will display: 

The left and middle columns above display the {Accounting} Account Names and Default Account Type.  These fields are not editable in this mapping function.  The right column displays the Mapped COGS-Well account; this field is editable.  

To change the accounting system chart of account that is mapped to a GL account in COGS-Well, highlight the accounting account you want to edit, on the same row as the COGS-Well account you want to assign it to, then click the drop-down.  Use the drop-down to select the account that you desire to assign to the GL Account.

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