Accounting - Site Maps


The Accounting - Site Maps feature enables you to map (link) a unique accounting system to a Site or Sites. This feature is typically maintained for you by the COGS-Well support team. If you have questions, then please contact

Things to know!

  • Only Users who have been given access to this feature will be able to see or access it.
  • The COGS-Well support team will typically have setup integration paths (Controller Tasks) for each of your accounting system locations. If a Controller Task for a location you desire has not been setup, please contact COGS-Well support. 
  • Accounting (and other outside system) Site Maps can also be set up or edited via Tools > Mapping > Site Maps.

Add or Edit Accounting - Site Maps

To add or edit an Accounting Site Map, navigate to the Accounting Site Map feature from Accounting > Setup > {Accounting} - Site Maps and the above display screen will appear.

The left column of the screen above displays the Sites that exist in your COGS-Well system.  The right column displays the accounting system locations that have been imported and mapped to the GL Account that is on the same row. 

To add or edit your accounting system location that is mapped to a Site, click on the accounting location field on the same row as the Site. Then use the select drop down menu to select a location. 

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