Accounting - Vendor Maps


The Accounting - Vendor Maps feature enables you to map (link) a vendor in COGS-Well to the same vendor in your accounting system. This feature is typically maintained for you by the COGS-Well support team. If you have questions, then please contact

Things to know!

  • Only Users who have been given access to this feature will be able to see or access it.
  • This function is only required if you are posting invoice summaries from the COGS-Well invoice receipt function to your accounts payable function in your accounting system. 
  • The COGS-Well support team will typically have set up your accounting vendors to COGS-Well Vendors Maps as part of your initial system setup.

Add or Edit Accounting - Vendor Maps

To add or edit an Accounting Vendor Map, navigate to Accounting > Setup > {Accounting} - Vendor Maps and the above display screen will appear.

The left column above displays the Vendors that exist in your COGS-Well system.  The right column displays the accounting system Vendors that have been imported and mapped to the COGS-Well Vendor Name that is on the same row. 

To add or edit an Accounting System Vendor mapping to a COGS-Well Vendor, click on the accounting vendor in the accounting vendor column, and on the same row as the COGS-Well Vendor Name. Then use the select drop-down menu to select an accounting vendor.

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