Recipe Category Setup


Recipe Categories are in the middle of the sales hierarchy. Each Recipe Item that is flagged as sold (a Sales Item) is assigned to a Recipe Category, and each Recipe Category is assigned to a Recipe Department. The revenue and theoretical cost for each Sales Item will roll up to its assigned Recipe Category, and the Category revenue and costs will roll up to its assigned Recipe Department.  Recipe Categories and Departments are typically summarized in Recipe & Sales Reports. 

Things to know!

  • This feature will only be accessible and visible to users who are given access to it. 
  • A Category assignment is required for every Recipe or Sales Item.  For Recipe Items that you don't sell it makes sense to set up a "Recipe Only" or "Prepared Recipes" Category.
  • A Recipe or Sales Item can be assigned to only one Category and a Category can be assigned to only one Department. 
  • When Sales Items are assigned to Categories, the Category will roll up the revenue and theoretical cost for the Sales Items assigned to that category for reporting.
  • A Recipe Item that is not sold (such as a prepared item recipe) also needs to be assigned to a Category and Department. A common practice is to set up a Department called "Prepared Items" and then create Categories to define different groups of Prepared Items such as soups, sauces, salads, etc.

An example of the hierarchical relationship between Sales Items, Categories, and Departments is below:

Add or Edit Recipe Categories:

To add, review, edit or delete Recipe Categories, navigate to Recipes & Sales>Setup>Recipe Categories.  Upon selection, a "Find Grid" similar to the one below will display a listing of all of your Categories.

To add a new category, select the "+" button. To view or edit an existing Category, click the "Edit" button in the row of the Category name you wish to edit. To delete a Category, click the "Delete" button in the row of the Category name that you wish to delete.

Each column in the above display has a search function that enables you to search within that field. A global search option is at the top of the display. Definitions for the column names are provided below.

The Add button at the top middle of the Find Grid is used to add a new Category that has not already been set up in your database. Clicking on this button will take you to the add Recipe  Category criteria display.

This is an Export button and it is located to the right of the “+” (“add new item”) button. This button will export all of the recipe categories in your database to an Excel spreadsheet.  The spreadsheet will appear on the bottom left of your display. Click on the spreadsheet to access it.

If you select to add or edit a Recipe Category, a screen like the one below will display:

Category Name: Give your Category a name (required field).

Department: This is the Recipe Department that you want to assign this Category to. Use the drop-down search to see available Departments.

Sort Order: If you have a desired order that you prefer your Categories to report in, then enter a numeric value for the Sort order (the lower the number the higher the order). If a sort order is not entered the Categories will print out alphabetically.

Default Target Cost %: If you define a Target Cost percentage for a Category, then it will default as the Target Cost % for each Sales Item that is assigned to this Category.  This will save time when you add new Sales Items.

Active: The system default is to check the Active setting.  To make a Category inactive, click the box to remove the checkmark.  An inactive Category can be made active again.

Save, Delete and Exit

At the bottom of the screen are the Save, Delete, and Exit buttons.

Save - Saves the entry or entries without exiting.

Delete - Deletes the Category. You will be asked, "are you sure"?

Exit -  Exits without saving any new entries or edits.

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