Packaging Updates


The Packaging Update feature utilizes a grid to view or edit packaging for multiple inventory items at the same time. It makes sense to utilize this feature when you want to make packaging changes (Pack Size, Count Unit, Primary Measure Class, or Recipe Unit) to multiple inventory items at the same time.  

Things to know!

  • This feature enables Pack Size, Count Unit, Count Units per Pack, Base UOM (Primary Measure Class), and Recipe Units per Pack changes to multiple inventory items at the same time. 
  • This feature will only be accessible and visible to users who are given access to it.
  • This feature is only utilized by a System Administrator. 
  • Please click this link if you would like more information about Configuring Recipe Information for an inventory item. 

View or Edit Inventory Item Packaging

To review or edit Inventory Item Packaging, navigate to Inventory>Maintenance>Packaging Updates. Upon selection, a screen similar to the one below will display a listing of all of your Inventory Items.

The Item Grid: The grid above is displaying the Item Names for all active inventory items in alphabetical order. Pack Size, Count Unit name, Count Units per Pack, Base UOM (Primary Measure Class), and Recipe Units per Pack are displayed for each item, and they can be modified. The effective (last) Pack Cost and Effective Date (when it was last received), are displayed for information purposes.  

Column Header Searches: The magnifying glass at the top of a column can be used to search for an item or items matching the letters, characters, and/or numbers you type. The search will display items that have what you type in any part of their description for the selected column on the grid. For example, in the above example, typing "daily" in the inventory item name column will find and display14/16 Daily Bacon and any other item names that contain "daily". To refine your search, mouse over the Magnifying Glass and the menu for the refined search options below will appear:

Column Header Drop-Downs: The drop-down arrow with a default to (All) at the top of a column can be used to filter the items on the grid to match your drop-down selection. For example, you can filter the "Count Unit" column for items with a count unit name of "pound" only.  

Column headers: A magnifying glass in the header of a column will provide a search option for that column. For example, if you want to find a bacon inventory item, you can type "bacon" in the item name column header and all items with bacon in any part of their name will display. Or, if you wanted to view or edit all Inventory Items that have pound as a Pack Size, you could type in "pound" in the Pack Size search at the top of the column (see example below):

Item Level Drop-Downs: The search and select drop-down arrow inside a cell in in the Pack Size column will allow you to search and select descriptions for pack size from the Standard Packaging Definitions library. There is a drop-down search and select for Count Units and Recipe Units as well. Typing in the all or part of the name for a pack size or count unit will expedite the search to only items that match. An example of a Pack Size search is below:

Editing Pack, Count, or Recipe Columns:

Care should be taken in changing packaging-related information for an item. Please contact COGS-Well support if you have any questions. Below are explanations for the other columns on the grid:

Pack Size: The Pack Size will reflect how you are charged for the item by the vendor. Pack sizes for a new item are assigned automatically by the COGS-Well system based on the vendor's pack size description on the invoice via our Standard Packaging Definitions Library. The pack size assignment is then reviewed by our auditors for accuracy. You can select a different pack size using the drop-down or by typing in a new pack description that will search the packing definition library.   

Count Unit: The Count Unit definition for an item is defined automatically by COGS-Well when a pack size is selected. If you want to use a more specific Count Unit name, it can be changed using the drop-down in the Count Unit Name cell to search and select a new Count Unit name from the library. An example would be changing the Count Unit name of "Each" for a bottle of olive oil to "Bottle".  

Count Units Per Pack: The Count Units per Pack are also defined automatically by COGS-Well when a pack size is selected from the Standard Packaging Definitions Library. The number of Count Units per Pack should represent the number of Count Units that are in a full Pack. The Count Units P/P can be changed in the grid. 

Base UOM Class: The Base UOM Class has been renamed to the "Primary Measure Class". The Measure Class options are Count, Volume, or Weight. The Primary Measure Class for an item is defined automatically by COGS-Well when a pack size is selected from the Standard Packaging Definitions Library. The Primary Measure Class should reflect how an item is priced by your vendor (by volume, weight, or count) to ensure that you have an accurate cost allocation to recipe units. You can assign additional Measure Classes to an Item to create additional recipe unit types (example = onions that you purchase by the pound (Weight = Primary Measure Class), but also use by the cup (Volume = Measure Class), and by each (Count = Measure Class). For more information on adding Measure Classes, please click this link to Recipe Unit Configuration - FAQ or to this link for Configuring Recipe Information

Recipe Units Per Pack: The default Recipe Unit name for the Weight Measure Class is Weighted Ounce ("Wz"). It is Fluid Ounce ("Fz") for the Volume Measure Class and it is "Each" for the Count Measure Class. The number of Recipe units per pack must be defined for a Measure Class to provide a cost per Recipe Unit for recipes. For more information on recipe units, please click this link to Recipe Unit Configuration - FAQ or to this link for Configuring Recipe Information.

Save, and Exit:

Click the Save key if you add or edit packaging for an Item and wish to save it. Otherwise, click the Exit key to exit.

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