Waste Group Setup


Waste Groups are used to organize Items that you waste into groups that simplify waste worksheets and waste data entry.

Things to know!

  • This feature will only be accessible and visible to users who are given access to it.
  • Waste Groups are helpful, however, for simplifying Waste Worksheets and Waste data entry. 
  • Inventory, Recipe, Production, and Sales Items can be assigned to a Waste Group. 
  • Any item that you want to track waste for, must be assigned to Waste Group.
  • An Item can be assigned to multiple Waste Groups. 

Add or Edit Waste Groups:

To add, review, edit, or delete Waste Groups, navigate to Recipe & Sales>Setup>Waste Groups.  Upon selection, a "Find Grid" similar to the one below will display a listing of all of your Groups:

The Add button at the top middle of the Find Grid is used to add a new Department that has not already been set up in your database. Clicking on this button will take you to the add Recipe  Department criteria display.

This is an Export button and it is located to the right of the “+” (“add new item”) button. This button will export all of the recipe departments in your database to an Excel spreadsheet.  The spreadsheet will appear on the bottom left of your display. Click on the spreadsheet to access it.

To add a new Waste Group, select the blue Add button. To view or edit an existing Group, click the "Edit" button in the row of the Waste Item Group name you wish to edit. To delete a Group, click the "Delete" button in the row of the Group Name that you wish to delete.

If you select to add or edit a Waste Group, a screen like below will display.

Waste Item Group Tab:

Item Group Name: Give your Waste Item Group a name (required field)

Active: Active is the default setting for this field and Active is indicated by a checkmark. If you click on the box and remove the checkmark, the Group will become inactive, but can later be made active again.

Available to All Sites: The system default is to make a Group available to all of your Sites. If you want to assign a Group to only the Sites that apply, then click the box to remove the checkmark and a tab for assigning Sites to this Group will be made available. This option is only available if you are logged into your Company (versus a site). 

Items Tab:

Selecting the Items tab from the New or Edit Waste Item Groups screen will display a screen like below:

Available and Selected: Listed under the Available column are all the Items that are available to be assigned to this Group, but have not been assigned. Listed under the Selected column are all the Items that have been assigned to this Group. To move an Item from one selection to another, check the box by the Item or Items you want to move and then hit the arrow direction < or > that you want to move them to.

Control the Order that Items Display or List: You can control the order that a selected Item will display or list within a Group. The key below is next to each selected item.  To move a selected item up or down in the list, click on the key below next to the item you want to move, hold the click, and move the Item up or down the list with your mouse. 

Sites Tab:

If you selected to assign this Waste Group to specific Sites, then a Sites tab will be added. Click on the Sites tab a screen like the below will display. 

Available and Selected: Listed under the Available column are all the Sites that are available to be assigned to this Group, but have not been assigned. Listed under the Selected column are all the Sites that have been assigned to this Group. To move a Site from one selection to another, check the box by the Site or Sites you want to move and then hit the arrow direction < or > that you want to move them to.

Save, Delete and Exit

At the bottom of the screen are the Save, Delete, and Exit buttons.

Save - Saves the entry or entries without exiting.

Delete - Deletes the Group. You will be asked, "are you sure"?

Exit -  Exits without saving any new entries or edits.

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