Combined Item Listing


The Combined Items Listing (Item Detail Listing) provides a listing of Combined Items. This listing will display each Combined Item and the Inventory Items that are assigned to it. This listing is a handy way to view what Inventory Items are assigned to each Combined Item.

Things to know!

  • This feature will only be accessible and visible to users who are given access to this function. 
  • This listing is a handy way to view what Inventory Items are assigned to each Combined Item. 
  • For more information on Combined Items, please see this link: Combined Items.

Combined Items Listing

To access the Combined Items Listing, navigate to Inventory>Listings>Combined Items Listing.  Upon selection, a screen similar to the one below will display:

Effective Date: Select the date from the calendar drop-down.

Combined Item: You can run the report for a specific Combined Item by selecting it from the drop-down. 

Run Report

Select "Run Report" and a listing similar to below will display:

Combined Item Name, Assigned Items, and Assigned Item Recipe Unit will display for each Combined Item. Assigned Items are the Inventory Items that have been assigned to a Combined Item.

The cost of the Recipe Unit that has been defined, across the Inventory Items that are assigned to the Combined Item, are reported in the last column. 

Report Options: For a description of the toolbar provided at the top of the report, please see "Report Options" help. Report Options link.

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