Sales Items Listing


The Sales Items Listing provides a listing of Recipe Items that have been flagged as being sold (Sales Items). This listing can be sorted for a specific Department, Category, or Group. There is an option to include Labor and Prime Costs in the listing.

Things to know!

  • This function will only be accessible and visible to users who are given access to this function.
  • Recipe Items that are sold are referenced as "Sales Items".  
  • This listing is a handy way to view the setup information for all or desired Sales Items.
  • This listing includes a price variance between your target price and your current price for each Sales Item.

Sales Items Listing

To access the Sales Items Listing, navigate to Recipes & Sales>Listings>Sales Items Listing.  Upon selection, a screen similar to the one below will display:

Site: If you have multiple Sites, you can use the drop-down to select a specific site or leave it blank to include all sites.  

Effective Date: Detail about an Item (such as price) may change over time.  If you want to see the most current Item Detail, select today's date. 

Price Type: There are three options via the drop-down selection for this listing. The Average Price is what the sales price averages for each Sales Item over the last 30 days. Retail Price is the most recent price that was imported from your Point of Sale. Model Price is the price configured in the Sales Item Setup feature for modeling.    

Recipe Department: If you desire to only list sales Items in a specific Department, then use the drop-down search to select that department. Leaving this field blank will include all departments. 

Recipe Category: If you desire to only list Sales Items in a specific category, then use the drop-down search to select that category. Leaving this field blank will include all categories.

Recipe Item Group: If you desire to only list Sales Items in a specific group, then use the drop-down search to select that group. Leaving this field blank will include all groups. 

Include Labor and Prime Costs: If you have added labor costs to recipe items and want to include this information in the listing, put a checkmark in this box. Please click this link if you would like more information on adding labor costs to recipe and sales items

Run Report

When you have completed your listing options, select Run Report and a listing similar to the below will display. Sales Item Name, Batch Name, Sales Price, Cost, Cost %, Target Cost %, Target Price, and Price Variance will display for each Sales Item. 

Labor and Prime Cost Not Selected:

Labor and Prime Costs Are Selected:

Report Options: For a description of the toolbar provided at the top of the report, please see "Report Options" for help. Report Options link.

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