Recipe Item Listing


The Recipe Items Listing provides a detailed (includes ingredients) or summary listing of all Recipe Items. This listing can be sorted for a specific Department, Category, or Group.  The listing can also run for a single Recipe Item or all Items. There is an option to include labor and prime costs in the listing. 

Things to know!

  • This function will only be accessible and visible to users who are given access to this function. 
  • This listing is a handy way to view the setup information for all or desired Recipe Items.
  • This listing includes the cost to prepare each recipe as of the Effective Date selected.  
  • If the listing is run in detail, ingredient names, costs, and quantities, and percentage of total recipe cost will be included. 
  • This listing can be run for one Recipe Item, a Department, Category, or Group of Recipe Items.

Recipe Items Listing:

To access the Recipe Items Listing, navigate to Recipes & Sales>Listings>Recipe Items Listing.  Upon selection, a screen similar to the one below will display:

Effective Date: Detail about an Item (such as price or cost) may change over time. If you want to see the most current Item Detail, select today's date. 

Detail or Summary: Summary leaves out the ingredient detail and Detail includes it.  All recipes will print for whichever option you select.

Recipe Department: If you desire to only list sales Items in a specific Department, then use the drop-down search to select that department. Leaving this field blank will include all departments. 

Recipe Category: If you desire to only list Sales Items in a specific category, then use the drop-down search to select that category. Leaving this field blank will include all categories.

Recipe Item Group: If you desire to only list Sales Items in a specific group, then use the drop-down search to select that group. Leaving this field blank will include all groups.

Recipe Item: If you want to list for a single Recipe Item, either type in the name to search or use the drop-down to search for the Recipe Item you desire. The ingredient detail will report for the Recipe Item you select.

Include Labor and Prime Costs: If you have added labor costs to recipe items and want to include this information in the listing, put a checkmark in this box. Please click this link if you would like more information on adding labor costs to recipes and sales items

Run Report

When you have completed your listing options, select Run Report.  For all listings available, costs are calculated using the most recent ingredient costs. For definitions of each column, please see the explanation of the Ingredients Tab for Recipe Items in this link Recipe items Link.

Listing Report Options: For a description of the toolbar provided at the top of any listing, please see "Report Options" for help. Report Options link.

Detail and No Labor or Prime Costs: If you selected to run the Recipe Item listing in Detail Mode and to not Include Labor and Prime Costs, a listing similar to below, for all recipes, will display:

Summary with No Labor and Prime Costs Included. If you selected to run the Recipe Item Listing in Summary and not include Labor and Prime costs, a listing similar to the one below, for all recipes, will display:

Selected Recipe Item: If you selected to run the Recipe Item Listing for a specific Recipe Item, a listing similar to the one below will display:

Selected Recipe Item - Include Labor and Prime Cost: 

Report Options: For a description of the toolbar provided at the top of all listings, please see "Report Options" for help. Report Options link.

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