Ingredient Search


The Ingredient Search enables you to select an Item (Inventory, Recipe, or Combined Item) and see what recipe(s) it is in and in what portion. 

Things to know!

  • This function will only be accessible and visible to users who are given access to this function. 
  • This listing is a handy way to view what recipes use a specific ingredient and in what quantity. 
  • This listing can be run for all ingredients, a Department, a Category, or a specific ingredient.
  • Ingredients can be Inventory, Recipe, or Combined Items.

Ingredient Search:

To access the Ingredient Search, navigate to Recipes & Sales>Listings>Ingredient Search.  Upon selection, a screen similar to the one below will display:

Inventory Department: Use the drop-down to search and select the desired Inventory Department. Only items associated with the selected Department will list. Leave this field blank if you do not want to filter for a specific Department.  

Inventory Category: Use the drop-down to search and select the desired Inventory Category. Only items associated with the selected Category will list.  Leave this field blank if you do not want to filter for a specific Category.  

Inventory Group: Use the drop-down to search and select the desired Inventory Group. Only items associated with the selected Group will list.  Leave this field blank if you do not want to filter for a specific Group.  

Item: Use the drop-down to search and select a specific item. Leave this filed blank if you do not want to filter for a specific item. 

Run Report:

When you have selected your Item, select Run Report, and a listing similar to below will display. The Recipe Item Names, the Recipe Unit, and the Quantity (portion) for the selected Item will display.

Filtered for a specific item (12/14 Daily Bacon):

Not Filtered for an Item:

Report Options: For a description of the toolbar provided at the top of the report, please see "Report Options" for help. Report Options link.

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