Prep Instructions Display
The Prep Instructions Display is designed for a line cook or kitchen prep person who wants to view this information on a device to assist them in preparing a recipe item or items. An example is shown below:
Things to know!
- This function will only be accessible and visible to users who are given access to this function.
- Prep Instructions can be entered in the Recipe Item Setup function. For more information please click this link and review the Recipe Preparation Instructions section: Recipe Items.
- This display is designed to assist line cooks or prep people in preparing a recipe item or items
- This display can run for a specific Prep Station.
- This display can run for a specific Recipe Item.
- This display has an option for scaling a recipe for different portion sizes.
Prep Instructions Display:
To access the Prep Instructions Display, use the Sidebar to navigate to the Prep menu option and then select this feature from the submenu. Upon selection, a screen like the one below will display. We have clicked on the drop-down for Prep Instructions Format:
Recipe Prep Station: If you have set up and assigned Prep Stations to recipe items, then you can select a prep station and only Prep Instructions for recipes assigned to that prep station will display.
Recipe Item: If you would like to see Prep Instructions specific to a single Recipe Item, then utilize the drop-down to select the Recipe Item here.
Scaling Option: If you select a specific Recipe Item, then the option to scale the batch size of the recipe will be presented as shown below. If you scale the recipe batch size, then the recipe units and recipe unit quantities for each ingredient in the recipe will adjust automatically.
Prep Instructions Format: The "Standard" format is the default and it displays as shown in the example directly below. The "Larger font, Ingredient Qty, and Name reversed" option will display using a larger font and it will put the recipe unit quantity information in front of the ingredient name. Please see the second example below for an example.
Example Display (Standard Format Selected):
The below example displays the prep instructions for the recipe item "Breakfast Buritto" using the Standard format:
Example Display (Larger Font Format Selected):
The below example displays the prep instructions for the recipe item "Breakfast Buritto" using the Larger Font, Ingredient Quantity Reversed" format: