Prep Instructions - FAQs


Prep Instructions enable you to do the following for a recipe item: 1) add a description, 2) create steps for preparing the recipe, 3) attach a picture of the recipe, 4) enter the prep time, 5) list the required preparation equipment, and 6) assign a prep station.  You can do any single, or any combination, of these prep instruction options for any type of recipe.   

Things to know!

  • This feature will only be accessible and visible to users who are given access to it. 
  • Prep instructions must be enabled on the recipe tab in company settings in order to be available.  Navigate to Company>Setup>Company Settings, select the Recip tab, and check the box next to enable preparation instructions. 
  • Prep instructions must be checked on the Recipe Item tab of a recipe item for the prep instructions features to become available for that recipe item.   
  • Prep instructions are designed to assist staff who are doing food preparation (on the line or in the kitchen) with the preparation of recipes or sales items. 
  • Prep instructions are not required. They are optional.   

Prep Instructions:

In the example below, we want to add preparation instructions for the "Breakfast Gravy Prep" Recipe Item.  Please view the Recipe Item below:

The first thing we need to do to add preparation instructions to Breakfast Gravy Prep is to check the box next to Prep Instructions. If we check the box, the screen will change to the view below:

 Please note that once prep instructions are checked, new tabs appear for entering prep instructions and prep stations. 

Prep Instructions Tab

Prep Instructions enable you to do the following for a recipe: 1) add a description, 2) create steps for preparing the recipe, 3) attach a picture of the recipe, 4) enter the prep time, 5) list the required preparation equipment, and 6) assign a prep station.  You can do any single, or any combination, of these options for any type of recipe.   

In the below example, we have enabled Preparation Instructions in the Company Settings Recipe tab, and we have check-marked the box next to "Prep Instructions" on the Recipe Item tab to enable Prep Instructions for this Recipe Item.  We will use the same Recipe Item that was utilized in the above examples - Breakfast Gravy Prep.  The Prep Instructions tab for this recipe has been selected:

Description: The description entry box on the top left allows you to enter free-form text. If you have enabled a spelling and grammar checking tool such as Grammarly then it will function here.  Examples of descriptions are information that you think will be helpful in understanding the recipe or knowing how to prepare or serve it.   You could add nutrition information here as well. 

Picture: If you have a picture on your local computer or online in JPG or PNG format, then you can download it and add it to the recipe.  Click the "Choose File" button and select your file name. 

Steps: Steps provide the ability to describe how to prepare the recipe.  They are sequential.  The + key allows you to enter a new step.  The x key deletes the step that is highlighted. The arrows move the highlighted step up or down.  You can also move a step up or down by clicking on the "move" graphic to the left of the step and dragging it to the position you desire.  You can edit a step by selecting "edit" next to the step.  Below we have selected to edit Step #1:

Please Note: The same display appears if you select to add a step.  A step is given a title and a step sequence. 

Step Pictures: You can also add a picture to a step.  

Step Ingredients: You can select ingredients from the recipe and include them in the step.  If the + key is selected then a drop-down with the ingredients for this recipe will display for selection.  You can then select an ingredient and enter the quantity of the ingredient that is utilized in this step.  An example of when this feature is useful is if the recipe calls for 1 cup of flour and you use 1/2 a cup for this step and the other 1/2 in a later step. 

Step Instructions: The instructions entry box allows you to enter free-form text for each step. If you have enabled a spelling and grammar checking tool such as Grammarly then it will function here.  

Prep Time:  If you want to include the time it should take to prepare this recipe item then you can enter it here. 

Equipment: The Equipment entry box allows you to enter free-form text to list the cooking utensils and equipment that are required for this recipe. If you have enabled a spelling and grammar checking tool such as Grammarly then it will function here. 

Prep Stations Tab

Prep Stations are optional.  They are designed to enable to assign the preparation of recipe items to specific stations. Prep instructions can then be viewed, listed, or displayed by Prep Station. In order to assign a Prep Station to a recipe item, Prep Stations must be set up via the Prep Station Setup function - Inventory>Setup>Prep Stations. In the example below we have selected the Prep Station tab for Breakfast Gravy Prep:

The Prep Stations tab will display a dual list box with the stations that you have set up showing as available and the stations you have selected showing as selected.  You can move stations from one selection to the other by checking the box next to the station and then clicking on the arrow direction or by double-clicking on the station you want to move. 

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