What is POS+ FAQs

POS+ Overview:

COGS-Well has a product called "POS+". POS+ imports financial totals (sales, payment, taxes, comps, discounts, and statistical totals) from your POS system to provide detailed financial reporting. POS+ also can interface with your accounting system to post these POS financial totals (after your audit) directly to your General Ledger, using balanced credits and debits.

POS+ is an add-on product to COGS+. If you are already importing the product sales mix from your POS, then COGS-Well can add the collection of POS financial totals to the daily polling.  

Things to Know:

  • COGS-Well support will set up an import of the financial totals (sales, payment, taxes, comps, discounts, and statistical totals) from your POS system. 
  • If you want to post (export) POS Financial total values to your General Ledger, then COGS-Well support will set up an interface with your accounting system (if an interface to your system is available). 
  • COGS-Well support will do the initial setup required for the POS Financial functions for you. This includes the other system interfaces, POS total mapping, and GL account mapping. 
  • COGS-Well support will need an expert from your team to provide guidance for configuring the GL account map.  The GL account map controls your GL posting reports and interface. 
  • Please inquire with your salesperson or COGS-Well support if you would like more information on POS+. 

Sample POS Financial Detail Reporting:

Sample GL Posting Report:

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