GL Account Overrides


GL Account Overrides is a feature used when you have Business Units or Sites that utilize different General Ledger Account numbers than your Company utilizes. This function enables you to "override" the company GL Account number with the GL account number that is correct for the Business Unit or Site. 

Things to know!

  • The Business Unit - GL Account Overrides feature will only be available to users that are given access to this function.
  • Sites and business units will automatically default to utilize the same GL Account numbers as your company. 
  • You only need to utilize this function if you have set up business units or sites in COGS-Well that have different GL Account numbers than your company. 
  • This article will address overrides for Business Units first and then Sites. 

GL Account Overrides - Business Units

Select the GL Account Override for Business Units and you will see a screen like below that displays all of your Business Units:

Select to edit the business unit that you wish to enter overrides for and a screen like the below will display:   

COGS-Well will display the GL Accounts that have been set up for your Company. If you wish to use a different account number for a business unit then you can enter it in the Override Account Number column.

Select Save to save any additions or changes.  Select Exit to exit the function.

GL Account Overrides - Sites

Select the GL Account Override for Sites and you will see a screen like below that displays all of your Sites: 

Select to edit the Site that you wish to enter overrides for and a screen like below will display:   

COGS-Well will display the GL Accounts that have been set up for your Company. If you wish to use a different account number for a site then you can enter it in the Override Account Number column.

Save and Exit:

Select Save to save any additions or changes.  Select Exit to exit the function.

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