Clone Site Assignments


The Clone Site Assignments is a function for System Administrators to utilize to save time when adding new Sites.  If a new Site is similar to an existing Site then assignments for setup information such as Vendors and Items in the existing Site can be cloned (duplicated) for the new Site.

Things to know!

  • The Company Maintenance function for Clone Site Assignments will only be available to Users that are given access to this function.
  • The Clone Site Assignments is a function for system Administrators to utilize to save time when adding new Sites.
  • You can select what setup information you want to clone to the new Site. 
  • This function is applicable when your new Site has the same, or very similar, Inventory and Recipe setup information to an existing Site.
  • Cloning will not delete any setup information that already exists in the new Site that you are cloning to - it will only add the Cloned information that you select in the From Site to the new Site.   
  • Once you launch the Clone function, all the selections you have made will be assigned to your new Site (the To Site) and there is no fast or simple way to undo a Clone. It is therefore important to carefully think through the impact prior to doing a Clone. 

Clone Site Assignments

The Clone Site Assignments is a fast way to set up a new Site in the event the new Site has the same, or very similar, Inventory and Recipe setup information as an existing Site.  The clone function eliminates the need to go into each Item or Vendor and assign it to the new Site.  You can access this function from Company>Maintenance>Clone Site Assignments.  If you select this function, a screen similar to below will display"

First, select the Site that has the information you want to clone (From Site) and then select your new Site (To Site). The Clone Selection options represent information that has been entered via the Inventory or Recipe Item Setup functions for the From Site. Put a checkmark in the box for each type of setup information you want to clone to the new Site.

Clone or Close

At the bottom of the screen are the Clone or Close buttons.

Clone - Clone will assign the selections with checkmarks from the From Site to the To Site. Cloning will not delete any setup information that already exists in the new Site you are cloning to - it will only add the Clone Selections information that you select in the From Site to the To Site.  Once you launch the Clone function, all the selections you have made will be assigned to your new Site (the To Site) and there is no fast or simple way to undo a Clone. It is therefore important to carefully think through the impact prior to doing a Clone.

Close - Will exit without saving any entries and no cloning of assignments will be performed. 

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