Exclude Features from Sites


Exclude Features from Sites enables you to eliminate menu features for any system User that uses a login credential that only has access to a Site or Sites.  If there are functions in COGS-Well that you know you do not want any of your Site Users to access, then using Excluding Features from Sites is a quick way to remove these functions without having to define a User Menu to accomplish this.   

Things to know!

  • This feature will only be available for users that have access to the Exclude Features from Site Use feature.
  • This feature is typically only accessible by a System Administrator. 
  • The use of this feature is optional.  It is designed to help simplify setting up and maintaining functional menus for your Users. 
  • You can also create menus with the features you want to include for various types of users via the User Menu feature.
  • If you select a feature to exclude, that feature will be excluded from any and all users that log in with a user name that only has credentials for accessing a site or sites. 

Add or Edit Feature Exclusions from Sites:

To exclude a feature from a Site navigate to Company>Maintenance>Exclude Features from Sites. Upon selection, a screen like the below will display:

Available and Selected: Listed under the Available column are all the available menu functions that can be excluded from Sites. Listed under the Selected column are all the menu functions that have been excluded from Sites. To move a menu function from one selection to another, check the box by the function(s) you want to move and then hit the arrow direction that you want to move them.

Save and Exit:

Select Save to retain additions or changes.  Select Exit to exit this function.

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