Business Unit Setup


Business Units enable a chain with multiple Sites to group those Sites into common groups (business units) to identify that the group uses a different accounting system or a different chart of accounts. 

An example of Business Units is a Company that has franchisee groups that are setting up their Sites in the same COGS-Well system database. The franchisee group can be identified as a unique Business Unit. Another example is a company that wants to group its Sites by geography (ex. regions or districts) and can use Business Units to identify each geography and assign the Sites accordingly. 

Things to know!

  • The Setup function for Business Units will only be available to System Administrators.
  • Business Units do not need to be defined.  This feature is only for special cases where you wish to isolate a unique accounting system or provide an additional grouping for specific Sites that have common or uncommon attributes to other Sites. 
  • To run reports for Business Units, you should log in to the desired Business Unit from Company/Site drop-down menu. 

Business Units:

To add or modify a new Business Unit navigate to Company>Setup>Business Units. If you have previously set up Business Units, they will display similar to the screen below:

Click the plus "+" key to add a new Business Unit.  Use the edit option to view or modify a Business Unit.  Below is an example of selecting the plus key to add a new Business Unit:

Business Unit Name: Select a name that will enable you to easily recognize the business unit. 

Address, Phone Numbers, and Email: Enter or modify these fields to reflect your business unit. 

Active: You can make a Business Unit inactive, without deleting it permanently, by removing the checkmark in this box.  To reactivate it, put the checkmark back.  

Accounting System Type: The drop-down in this field brings up the Accounting System(s) you can interface with.  Select the appropriate accounting system.

Save, Delete and Exit

At the bottom of the screen are the Save, Delete, and Exit buttons.

Save - Saves the entry or entries without exiting.

Delete - Deletes the Business Unit. You will be asked, "are you sure"?

Exit -  Exits without saving any new entries or edits.

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