POS Sales Item Maps


The POS Sales Item Mapping feature allows for mapping (linking) the Sales Items in COGS-Well to the sales items in your POS system. Mapping should normally be handled by COGS-Well support. Unless you have a strong understanding of this feature, we request that you contact support@cogs-well.com.

Things to know!

  • Only Users who have been given access to this feature will be able to see or access it.
  • The COGS-Well support team typically sets up your POS Sales Item Maps for you as part of the initial setup. 
  • A POS Sales Item Map is needed for each POS system you want to map.
  • A POS Integration must be set up and run before you can map Sales Items.  COGS-Well support sets up all Integrations. If you do not see a POS Integration you require, please contact COGS-Well support. 

Add or Edit POS Sales Item Maps:

Navigate to Tools> Mapping> POS Sales Item Maps and a screen like the one below will display:  

The above screen displays the name of the COGS-Well POS Sales Items Map(s) that have already been mapped to a Source POS system.  Whether the map is active, and the last updated information also is displayed. 

To enter a new map, click on the "+ Add" key. 

To create a duplicate entry, click on the "Clone" key.

To edit or delete a POS Sales Item Map, click the "Edit" or "Delete" key in the same row as the POS Map name you want to change. 

A screen like the one below screen will display if you select to edit an existing map. Please make sure you ask for assistance from COGS-Well support if you do not feel confident about adding or editing a map.  

The above display shows the sales item name in COGS-Well (mapped item name), the POS item code, the item name in your POS system, and the last updated information.  You are typically only looking at this screen to audit for any possible inconsistencies. 

For example, if you change the item code for an item in your POS system after the initial map has been created to COGS-Well, you may need to manually update the map. 

Hint: The search option feature can be very helpful for finding Sales Items in COGS-Well or your POS system.  Click on the search option at the top of the column and start typing a description. 

Mapped Item Name: This is the COGS-Well Sales Item Name.

POS Item Code: This is the POS Item code for the COGS-Well Sales Item that the POS system uses. If you are entering a new POS Map, then you will need to know and enter the proper POS Item Code. Once you enter the POS Item Code, the POS Item Name will display. 

POS Item Name: This is the name for the POS Item that the POS system utilizes. You cannot edit this field. 

Hint #2: 

Use the Plus key "+" on the upper right to map the sales from two POS Sales Items to one COGS-Well Sales Item. For example, you may have one Sales Item in COGS-Well for Chicken Wings while the POS has a Sales Item for Regular Chicken Wings and one for Spicy Chicken Wings.

Use the xlsx key to download an Excel file containing the Sales Item Map data.

Use the Bullets key to Choose a different recipe item, a selection will pop up for you to choose from.

Use the Merge key to reassign the mapping of a POS Sales Item to a different COGS-Well Sales Item.  To use either of these keys you should highlight the Sales Item you want to change before you click the Plus or Merge key.

Use the X key to remove the mapping.

Save and Exit:

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