Item Import Map Listing


The Item Import Map Listing is a report (listing) of the Inventory Items that have been imported from your vendor or AP Automation invoice system, and what COGS-Well Inventory Item they were mapped to. This report is primarily used by COGS-Well support. 

Things to know!

  • The Item Imported Code is used to map (link) a vendor item to a COGS-Well Inventory Item. 
  • This listing will always be as of the date of your most recent vendor or AP automation system import.

Item Import Map Listing:

To select Item Import Map Listing, navigate to Tools>Mapping>Item Import Map Listing.  When you select this listing, a criteria screen for the listing parameters like below will display. There are optional filters for this listing: 


Vendor: Use the drop-down to select a specific vendor or leave this field blank to list all vendors. 

Inventory Department: Use the drop-down to select a specific inventory department or leave this field blank to list all departments. 

Inventory Category: Use the drop-down to select a specific inventory category or leave this field blank to list all categories. 

Inventory Item Group: Use the drop-down to select a specific inventory item group or leave this field blank to list all groups. 

Item: Use the drop-down to select a specific inventory item or leave this field blank to list all items. 

Run Report: Click on Run Report when you are ready to display the listing.  An item import map listing like the one below will display:

Item: This is the name of the Inventory Item in COGS-Well

Pack Size: This is the Pack Size for the Item in COGS-Well

Item Code: This is the Item Code in COGS-Well for this Item

Imported Item Code: This is the Item Code imported from the vendor system for the Item Name. 

Item Imported Pack Size:  This is the Pack Size imported from the vendor system for the Item Imported Name.

Integration Type: This is the vendor system or AP Automation system Integration name. 

Vendor: This is the vendor name from the vendor system. 

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