Approve Transfer Entry


The Approve Transfer feature provides a site that receives a transfer a method to confirm (approve) that a fulfilled transfer was delivered with the items and quantities that were entered by the site that fulfilled the request. The site receiving the fulfilled request will be notified via their Dashboard Alerts when it has a fulfilled transfer to approve. Please note that the "Approve Transfer" process only allows for a Fulfilled Transfer to be accepted or rejected (the items or quantities cannot be modified in the approval process). 

Things to know!

  • This is an optional feature to utilize in combination with Transfer Requests and Transfer Fulfillments. 
  • The Transfer Approval feature will only be visible if it is enabled in Company Settings by a system administrator. 
  • This feature only shows on the inventory menu when you are logged into a Site (not when you are logged into your company). 
  • A "Transfer Requires Approval" alert will show on the dashboard of the site receiving the transfer after it is fulfilled. 
  • This feature gives the site receiving a transfer request the opportunity to accept or reject that it matches the fulfillment.    
  • This feature does not allow the items on the fulfillment to be modified by the site doing the approval.  
  • Inventory Items, Combined Items that are flagged to be counted, Recipe Items that are flagged to be counted, and Recipe Items that are flagged to be produced,  can be transferred.
  • Transfers will deplete inventory quantity and cost from the Site transferring out and increase it for the Site receiving the transfer.
  • In COGS-Well, a "To" Site is the Site a transfer is going to. The "From" Site is the Site the transfer is coming from. 

Approve Transfer Alert:

The site that initiates a Transfer Request will receive an alert when the site that received the request (the "From" site) has fulfilled the request. The alert will say, "Transfer(s) requiring approval" and will show the number of approvals in the value column (see the example).  Click on the ">" button to go straight to the approval function:

Approve Transfers:

To navigate via the menus to the Approve Transfer function, go to Inventory>Entry>Approve Transfer. Upon selection, a "Find Grid" similar to the one below will display a listing of all Transfers Approvals: 

In the example above we can see that this site (which is Jake's Cafe & Catering) has already approved two transfers from Jake's Cafe - Alameda because there are checkmarks in the Approved column.  The two transfers from Alameda on 5/21 and 5/22 still require approval.  The transfer from Jake's Cafe - Pleasanton on 5/22 also requires approval. 

To review, approve, or reject a transfer that has not been approved; or to unapprove a transfer that was previously approved, click the "Edit" button in the row of the fulfilled transfer you wish to edit. When you select to edit a transfer that has not been approved, you will see a display similar to below:

Entry Tab: On the Entry tab we can view the fulfilled items, the current pack cost, the pack size, the count unit names, and the quantity for packs or count units fulfilled by the "From" site.  We can also see the pack and count unit quantities that we originally requested. Any comments are also visible.

Approve or Reject: Because this function is an approval process, you can only view the items, costs, and quantities entered by the "From" site that fulfilled the transfer. You can then select to approve or reject the transfer.  You can add, view, or edit comments for each item. 

If you select to approve then this will be treated as a successful transfer from Jake's Cafe - Pleasanton to your site (in this example Jake's Cafe & Catering).  

If you select to reject, then the transfer request will remain open and the "from" site (Jake's Cafe - Pleasanton) will get a new alert on their dashboard that they have a transfer request that needs fulfillment.  

Criteria Tab: The fields on the Criteria tab cannot be edited. 

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