Count Worksheet


The Count Worksheet is used to record inventory on-hand counts if counts are not being entered during the on-hand counting process via a mobile device.  After a Count Worksheet is completed, the recorded counts can be entered into COGS-Well via the entry function for Count Inventory (Inventory > Entry > Count Inventory).

Things to know!

  • This worksheet will only be accessible and visible to users who are given access to this feature. 
  • The Count Worksheet runs for a specific Site. Each Site may have unique Storage Locations or Sequence Order for Items. 
  • The Count Worksheet can optionally list only the Inventory Items in a selected Inventory Item Group.
  • The Count Worksheet can optionally list Inventory Items by Storage Location and in Storage Location Sequence Order. 
  • Inventory, Recipe, and Combined Items flagged to be counted are included on a Count Worksheet. 
  • If a Count Worksheet is printed for a date that has an inventory count, the Item Counts will be printed on the Worksheet. This is a good tool to validate that the count was manually entered correctly.
  • It is important to record and then enter a zero ("0") count for the pack quantity for an item when it is out of stock. This will eliminate the item from showing up on future count worksheets or count entry displays unless the item is received again on a future invoice. This will keep your count worksheet and count entry display clean with "active" items only. 
  • For more information on Counts, please see help for the Count Inventory feature: Count Inventory.

Report Parameters:

To Run a Count Worksheet, navigate to Inventory> Worksheets>Count Worksheet.  Upon selection, a parameters screen like the one below will display:

Print by Storage Location Option: 

Site: Select the Site from the drop-down search that will be recording an Inventory Count. 

Count date: Select the date from the calendar for when the Inventory Count will be recorded. 

Inventory Item group:  Optionally, select an Inventory Group if you want to only include the Inventory Items in that Group on the Count Worksheet. Leaving this field blank will include all Groups.

By Storage Location: Click on the box to create a checkmark if you want the Count Worksheet to list the Inventory Items by Storage Location. If this option is not selected, and if by Group is not selected, then the Count Worksheet will list Items by Inventory Department and Inventory Category.

By Item Sequence Order: Click on the box to create a checkmark to have the Inventory Items list on the Count Worksheet in the order that was used to assign them to a Storage Location. If this option is not selected then the items will be sorted alpha-numeric within the locations.

Page Break for each Category or Location: Click on the box to create a checkmark to have the Count Worksheet start a new page for each Storage Location.  

Single Location: Use the drop-down to select a specific Storage Location if you want the Worksheet to print for just one Storage Location.  

Use Larger Font Size: Select this option only if would like a larger font size than our standard.

Run Report: Once you have selected your report parameters, click the Run Report button to list the report.

Print by Inventory Department or Category Option:

If you uncheck the box to count by Storage Location, the parameters display will change to include Department or Category options as shown below:

Print all Inventory Departments and Categories: If you do not select a Single Inventory Department or Category, the Count Worksheet will print for all Departments and Categories.

Single Department: If you would like all Categories within a single inventory department to print, then use the drop-down to select the department. An example is the "Food" Department. 

Single Category: If you would like a single inventory category to print, then use the drop-down to select the category. An example is the "Produce" Category. 

Count Worksheet

Selecting to Run the Count Worksheet by Storage Location will display a report similar to below: 

Report Options: For a description of the toolbar provided at the top of the report, please see "Report Options" for help. Report Options link.

Pack and Count Quantity: Inventory Item Counts can be recorded by Pack Description, by Count Unit Description, or by any combination of the two. For example, if we look at Blue Cheese Crumbles on the worksheet above (the last item), it has a Pack Size of 5 Lbs.  If we have one Pack and 2.5 pounds in a partial Pack as our count, we could record 1.5 Packs. Or, we could record 1 Pack and .5 Count Units.  Or, we could record 7.5 Count Units.  

Inventory Item Types: For Inventory Items, the Count Worksheet lists the vendor product code and name (in parentheses) after the item name. For a Recipe Item flagged to be counted, it will say "Recipe Item" in parentheses after the item name. For a Combined Item flagged to be counted, it will say "Combined Item" in parentheses after the item name.   

Last Received: Last Received shows the date that an Inventory Item was last received. This helps to determine if an Inventory Item is out of stock (is no longer being purchased). For example, if mayonnaise was last purchased from a vendor 3 months ago, it is probably out of stock. When counting an Item that is no longer being purchased, record a zero count for the Item and the Item will no longer appear on future Count Worksheets or Count Entry screens unless (or until) it is purchased again.

Pack Cost: The Pack Cost is the cost of the Item from your most recent receipt of the Item (when last received).

Count Unit Cost: The Count Unit Cost is the cost of a Count Unit based on how many Count Units are configured in a Pack.    

Bin Numbers: Please note that if you have set up Bin Numbers, this worksheet will sort the Items by Bin Number in Storage Locations that utilize Bin Numbers.  The Bin Numbers will also print or display next to each Item.  For more information on Bin Numbers please click this link and reference the "Contains Bins" section: Storage Locations.

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