Changes to Menu & Navigation


Over the last year, the COGS-Well product team has added numerous new features to the product.  The result is that the Menu became crowded and it got challenging to find and navigate to certain features. To provide an example below is the old main Inventory menu with the sub-menu for  setup features selected:

During the process of simplifying menu navigation, we also realized that we could use fewer words for many of the feature names to make reading and recognizing the feature easier. 

COGS-Well New  Menu:

Below is an example of the new Menu and the main menus for the primary functional areas for Inventory, Recipes & Sales, Company, and Tools main menus: 

Things to Know!

  • The menu changes will apply to all users who have not been assigned a unique user menu. 
  • If you have set up user menus, the organization and functionality of these menus will not change.  In some cases, there may be small terminology changes for a feature or report name, but they are not substantial.
  • Each function with a  right arrow ">" will have a sub-menu of features. 
  • Inventory entry features for counts, orders, receipts, transfers, and close inventory are now featured on the sub-menu for Entry.
  • The feature for "Receipts" has been renamed to "Receive".   
  • Recipe & Sales entry features for sales, production, and waste are now featured on the sub-menu for Entry. 
  • Worksheets have been separated from Reports.   
  • The Reports sub-menus will only contain reports or charts (no Worksheets).
  • All Setup features have been divided between the Setup sub-menu and a new Maintenance sub-menu.  Features that are "one-time" in nature such as Department or Category setup have remained in Inventory Setup while features that are "on-going" in nature such as new item validation, cost updates, or merge items have been moved to the new Maintenance sub-menus.
  • Validation features for inventory items, vendors, sales items, and GL accounts have been moved to be features in the Maintenance function for each main menu that the feature is associated with.  
  • All Listings sub-menus have not changed.  
  • The Tools>Mapping sub-menu has not changed.
  • The Accounting main menu and Setup sub-menu have not changed. 
  • "Collection" is a new function on the Tools main menu.  It contains features for On-Demand Tasks, View Controller Tasks, and Controller Actions.  These features are only utilized by COGS-Well support and Administrators. 
  • When possible, we have also shortened or simplified the names for some features. These changes are not substantial and will hopefully not cause any confusion. 

We believe that you will easily be able to adapt to the new main and sub-menus as well as the minor changes in terminology that have been implemented in the menu features. If you would like more information about the changes, we have provided detail on all of the changes below: 

New Inventory Entry Menu:

Below is an example showing the new Inventory Entry sub-menu:

  • The "Enter Counts" feature name has been changed to "Count Inventory". 
  • The term "Enter" for order, receive, and transfer is no longer included. 
  • The term for the feature "Receipts" has been changed to "Receive". 
  • The Validate New Inventory Items feature has been moved to maintenance.
  • The Validate New Vendors feature has been moved to maintenance.  

New Inventory Worksheets Menu:

Below is an example showing the new Inventory Worksheets sub-menu:

  • All Inventory Worksheets have been moved from the Reports sub-menu.  

New Inventory Reports Menu:

Below is an example showing the new Inventory Reports sub-menu.

  • All Worksheets have been moved to the Worksheets sub-menu.
  • The term "Report" has been removed when it is not otherwise required for feature clarification. 
  • "Extension General Journal" has been shortened to "Journal Extension".
  • "Extension General Journal Adjustments" has been shortened to "Journal Adjustment".
  • "Usage Report" has been clarified via the name "Actual Usage". 
  • "Item TheoreticalSales Usage Analysis Report" has been shortened to "Item Theoretical Usage".

New Inventory Setup Menu:

Below is an example showing the new Inventory Setup sub-menus.  The menu on the left shows when you are logged in to your company.  The menu on right shows when you are logged into a site:

  • The term "Item" is no longer include in "Inventory Groups"
  • The feature for "Item Packaging Updates" has been moved to the sub-menu for Maintenance.
  • The feature for "Inventory Cost Updates" has been moved to the sub-menu for Maintenance.
  • The feature for "Merge Inventory Items" has been moved to the sub-menu for Maintenance.
  •  When logged into a site, clarification has been added to the features for assigning storage locations. 

New Inventory Maintenance Menu:

Below is an example showing the new Inventory Maintenance sub-menu.  

  • The Item and Vendor Validation features were moved here from the Inventory main menu. 
  • All of the other features in this sub-menu were moved here from the inventory setup sub-menu.

New Recipes & Sales Entry Menu:

Below is an example showing the new Recipes & Sales Entry sub-menu:

  • The "Enter Sales Counts" feature name has been changed to "Sales Mix". 
  • The "Enter Production Counts" feature name has been changed to  "Production". 
  • The Validate New Sales Item feature has been moved to maintenance.  

New Recipes & Sales Worksheets Menu:

Below is an example showing the new Recipes & Sales Worksheets sub-menu:

  • These Worksheets are no longer in the Recipes & Sales Reports sub-menu:  

New Recipes & Sales Reports Menu:

Below is an example showing the new Recipes & Sales Reports sub-menu:

  • All Worksheets have been moved to the Worksheets sub-menu.
  • The term "Report" has been removed when it is not otherwise required for feature clarification. 
  • The "Menu Contribution Report" name has been changed to "Target Cost Variance"
  • The "Sales Item Cost Trend" chart is now included in Reports and the name is "Item Cost Trend Chart".  

New Recipes & Sales Setup Menu:

Below is an example showing the new Recipes & Sales Setup sub-menu:

  • Where unnecessary, the term "Sales" was removed from "Recipe & Sales".
  • The term "Item" is no longer included in Recipe, Production, or Waste Groups. 
  • The feature for "Recipe Units" has been moved to the sub-menu for Maintenance.
  • The feature for "Ingredient Switch" has been moved to the sub-menu for Maintenance.

New Recipes & Sales Maintenance Menu:

Below is an example showing the new Recipes & Sales Maintenance sub-menu:

  •  The New Sales Item Validation feature was moved here from the Recipes & Sales main menu. 
  • All of the other features in this sub-menu were moved here from the Recipes & Sales setup sub-menu.

New Company Maintenance Menu:

Below is an example showing the new Company Maintenance sub-menu:

  • "Validate new GL Accounts" was moved from the Company Main Menu to Maintenance.
  • "GL Account Overrides" for Business Units and Sites was moved from the Company Setup menu to Maintenance. 
  • "Clone Site Assignments" was moved from the Company Setup menu to Maintenance. 
  • "Exclude Features from Site" was moved from the Company Setup menu to Maintenance. 

New Company Setup Menu:

Below is an example showing the new Company Setup sub-menu:

  • The new Company Setup Menu no longer includes the features that were moved to Maintenance.
  • The Controller Actions feature was moved from Company Setup to the new Tools Collections Menu.   

New Tools Collection Menu:

Below is an example showing the new Tools Collection sub-menu:

  • On-Demand Tasks have moved here from the Tools main menu.
  • View Controller Tasks have moved here from the Tools main menu.
  • Controller Actions have moved here from the Company Setup sub-menu.

New Tools Maintenance Menu:

Below is an example showing the new Tools Maintenance sub-menu:

  • "Change Password" has moved here from the Tools main menu.
  • "Reopen Inventory" has moved here from the Tools main menu.
  • "Un-Delete Entries" have moved here from the Tools main menu.
  • "Resolve Cost Alerts" have moved here from the Tools main menu.  This feature may not be available on your menu.  

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