Receiving Variance Report


The Receiving Variance Report will compare an Order to a Receipt to isolate variances between what was ordered versus what was received (cost variances and quantity variances), for the desired date range. 

Things to know!

  • This report will only be accessible and visible to users who are given access to this report function. 
  • The Receiving Variance Report will compare an Order to a Receipt to isolate variances between what was ordered versus what was received.  
  • This report can isolate item, quantity, and cost variances.  
  • Invoice detail is available via drilling down on a Receipt. 
  • An invoice must contain the COGS-Well order number to compare an order to an invoice receipt. The order number can be imported along with the invoice if the vendor can provide it, or it can be entered manually after an invoice has been imported. 
  • If an invoice is being entered manually then the order number can be entered at the same time.  
  • There are buttons at the top of the report columns for sorting this report (highest to lowest or lowest to highest values).

Report Parameters:

To Run a Receiving Variance report, navigate to Inventory> Reports>Receiving>Receiving Variance. Upon selection, a Report Parameters screen like the one below will display:

Begin Date: From the drop-down calendar, select a starting date range. 

End Date: From the drop-down calendar, select an ending date range. 

Vendor: If you want to view only one Vendor, use the drop-down search to select the Vendor.

Include Never Counted Items: Inventory Items can be flagged to never be counted (an example is a mop). If you have flagged some items not to be counted, and you wish those items to be included in this report, then put a checkmark in this box. 

Quantity Variance Threshold Percentage: You can manage the threshold for quantity variances (0 to 100%). Items with a percentage quantity variance smaller than your threshold will not be reported. 

Cost Variance Threshold Percentage: You can manage the threshold for cost variances (0 to 100%). Items with a percentage cost variance smaller than your threshold will not be reported. 

Exclude Quantity Variances: If you are only looking for cost variances, then check this box to exclude items that have a quantity variance on the report. 

Exclude Cost Variances: If you are only looking for quantity variances, then check this box to exclude items that have a cost variance on the report. 

Exclude Quantity Variances for Catch Weight Items: By definition, catch-weight items (a whole fish or a case of tenderloins) will have quantities that are not determined at the time you order. You can check this box to exclude quantity variances for catch-weight items. 

Exclude Cost Variances for Catch Weight Items: By definition, catch-weight items (a whole fish or a case of tenderloins) will have a total cost that is not determined at the time you order. You can check this box to exclude cost variances for catch-weight items. 

Run Report: Once you have selected your report parameters, click the Run Report button to list the report.

Receiving Variance Report:

Selecting to Run the Receiving Variance Report will display a report similar to below:

This report is comparing invoice receipts that were assigned an order number either automatically as part of the invoice import, the order number was entered manually after the invoice was imported, or the order number was entered when the invoice was entered manually. 

Bold Information: The bold banner heading at the top of the report corresponds to the headings on the report that is in bold. For example, using the report above, The Site Name is Paradise Point, the Vendor Names are RNDC and West Gin Bakery, the RNDC Order Number is 4921, the RNDC Doc Number (invoice number) is 49001329, the Date is 9/27/23, and the RNDC Receipt Amount is $1,511.  

Detail Information: The banner that is not bold and is under the bold top heading corresponds to the receipt (invoice) line item detail.  The Culwater Vodka Iced Tea Item Code is 463058, the Pack Size is 24/12 Fz, the Ordered Quantity is 2, the ordered quantity is 2, the ordered Pack Cost is $48.00 , the ordered amount is $96.00. The received quantity is 2, the received Pack Cost is $46.80 , the ordered amount is $93.60.  

Variances: The Variance percent is shown for quantity, cost, and amount.  The quantity variance (the difference between 2 packs ordered and 2 packs received is 0). The pack cost received variance is favorable over the pack cost ordered by 2.5%. The amount of the favorable pack cost variance is $1.20 per pack.  

Report Options: For a description of the toolbar provided at the top of the report, please see "Report Options" for help. Report Options link.

When you see this button it means a sort option is available to display the transactions in ascending or descending order (from lowest to highest or highest to lowest). Click on the button to invoke the sort option. Click once for lowest to highest.  Click again to reverse the sort to be for highest to lowest. 
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