Release Notes - Version 20.07.01


Release 20.07.01 went live on July 30, 2020. A summary of the new features or enhancements contained in this release is below.  Additional detail on new features or enhancements is listed after the overview: 

  • Easier assignment of an Item's list order in a Storage Location. 
  • "Are you Sure" on exit only prompts when changes made.  
  • Recipe and Combined Items will remain active when a zero count is entered.  
  • Waste is now included in the suggested ordering calculation.
  • The receiving report now includes a Type column.
  • Import of Toast POS Financial Totals.  
  • Import of Revel POS Financial Totals.
  • The Actual Usage Report has added summary totals.

More Detail:

Easier assignment of an Item's List Order in a Storage Location: It could be challenging to move an item to a new listing order in a storage location. This was because when you search for the item you want to move, the search interferes with your ability to drag the item to where you want it in the list order. Now you can first indicate where you want to locate an item in the list order, then search and select the item, and it will be moved to the new list order location. See below:

The above example is showing the selected item list box in the Assign Items to Storage Locations feature. We have checked Eggs Grade AA LG as the item that we want to be directly under (after) the item in this storage location that we are about to select.  We can now use the new magnifying glass on the top right of the list box to search for the item we want to move.  In the example below we have clicked on the search button:

If Half & Half Qt is the item we wish to move, once we search and select it, Half  & Half Qt will be listed directly above the Eggs Grade AA in the list order. Below is the list order after Half & Half Qt was selected.   

"Are You Sure..." on Exit: Sensitivity has been added when exiting a feature to know if a change has been made and not saved. The system will now only prompt "Are You Sure..." when exiting in instances where changes have been made. 

Zero Count Recipe and Combined Items will remain active: Recipe and Combined Items that are flagged as counted items will no longer automatically be given an inactive status if a "0" count is entered and saved for the item. As a result,  recipe and combined items that are counted will always show up on your count worksheet or count entry display.  This change was made because, unlike inventory items, recipe and combined items are not received and therefore cannot be automatically reactivated by a new receiving record.   

Waste Included in the Suggested Ordering Calculation: Waste is now factored into the inventory on-hand calculation for suggested orders.  If you click on the suggested order quantity to view the calculation detail, waste detail is now included.

Receiving Report - Type Column: There are three types of Receiving: A "Receipt" (an Invoice), a "COD", and a "Return". A column has been added to the Receiving Report to indicate the Receipt Type. 

Toast and Revel POS Financial Totals: Financial Totals (in addition to Sales Mix) can now be imported from the Toast POS and the Revel POS systems. Financial reporting, financial auditing, and General Ledger posting for POS Financial Totals are available via COGS-Well's POS+ product.

Actual Usage Report has added summary totals: The Actual Inventory Usage report used to only summarize Category and Department for the total Usage column.  Now the report includes a summary for each category and department for Begining, Received, Transferred, Produced, and Ending value columns also.  

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