Release Notes - Version 20.08.01


Release 20.08.01 went live on August 13, 2020. A summary of the new features or enhancements contained in this release is below.  Additional detail on new features or enhancements is listed after the overview: 

  • Inventory reports and Recipe & Sales reports - Added a filter to select a Site when you are logged into your company. 
  • Inventory reports and Recipe & Sales reports - Added filters to select a Department, a Category, or a Group.  
  • Item purchase order cost is now displayed on receiving entry when a purchase order number is Included in the Criteria.
  • Cost Alerts report now displays the cost difference amount for an Item in dollars as well as a percentage.  
  • Configurable "Report Units" have been added for Inventory Items (by pack size or by count unit). The reports that will use the new "Report Unit" are the: 1) Theoretical On-Hand, 2) Actual Cost of Sales, 3) Inventory Extension, and 4) Inventory Usage Variance. 
  • The Theoretical Cost of Sales Report (Detail) now includes a summary line after each category that reports the category cost as a percentage of the department’s sales. If there are multiple categories assigned to a department, it totals and compares the total cost for all categories to the total sales for the department.  
  • The Theoretical Cost of Sales Report (Summary) now includes a column for a category’s cost as a percentage of its department’s sales.      
  • Item Activity Listing - A feature to view or print a report for each tab has been added.  
  • Find Screens - the speed for loading data has been improved. 
  • The Created Date for a new inventory item will match the invoice date for that new item. 
  • The Waste Item Count Entry display now includes the ability to add comments for each item. 
  • The Item Cost Trend Chart now includes a description of the unit of purchase (typically pack size) for the item being displayed. 
  • A vendor order email listing has been added to Inventory Listings.   

More Detail:

More detailed explanations of the enhancements listed above are provided below: 

Inventory reports and Recipe & Sales reports - Filter for Site: When you are logged into your company, and you have multiple Sites in your database, some of the Inventory reports and all of the Recipe and Sales reports did not include the ability to select a specific Site. Where applicable, a Site filter has now been added to all reports.  The filter is optional - if a specific Site is not selected then the report will consolidate for all Sites. An example of the filter is below:

Inventory reports and Recipe & Sales reports - Added filters to select a Department, a Category, or a Group: Where applicable, filters for running inventory and Recipe & Sales reports for a specific Department, Category, or Group has been added to the reports. Below is an example of these new filters.

Item purchase order cost is now displayed on receiving entry: In a previous release, we added the ability to enter a purchase order number when viewing an invoice in Receiving so the ordered quantity can be compared to the received quantity.  We initially did not include the ordered cost for each item, but a column has now been added to the display to show an item's ordered cost. An example is below:

Cost Alerts report now displays the cost difference amount in dollars: We added a column to the Cost Alerts report to show the cost change for an item in dollars as well as in percent. This report used to only show the difference as a percent. An example is below:

Configurable "Report Units" for Inventory Items: There are four reports where the reporting for an Inventory Item has previously been provided by "Pack Size" and customers have told us they would prefer the reporting by "Count Unit".  These reports are the 1) Theoretical On-Hand, 2) Actual Cost of Sales, 3) Inventory Extension, and 4) Inventory Usage Variance.  We have therefore added the ability to configure a "Reporting Unit" (Pack Size or Count Unit) for an Inventory Item.  This configuration can be made at the Inventory Department, Category, or Inventory Item level. If the configuration is made at the Category or Department level then all Items that fall within that Category or Department will use the configured Report Unit. In the below example, we want all of our wine inventory items to report by the bottle (count unit) versus case (pack size). We can make this configuration by navigating to Inventory>Setup>Departments, selecting the Wine Department, and then selecting the Report Unit as shown below:

Report Units for Inventory Categories are configured via Inventory>Setup>Categories.  The configuration is done the same way as the Department example above. Report Units are configured for individual Inventory Items via Inventory>Setup>Inventory Items.  A field has been added for Report Units (see below). The Report Unit field will only display for Items that have Count Units configured. The default Report Unit for an Item is always Pack Size but the drop-down can be used to change it to Count Unit:  

Theoretical Cost of Sales Report (Detail) - New Category Summary: The Theoretical Cost of Sales Report (when detail is selected) now summarizes each category cost as a percentage of the department’s sales. If there are multiple categories assigned to a department, it totals and compares the total cost for all categories to the total sales for the department. An example is below:

The Theoretical Cost of Sales Report (Summary) - Added Column: The Theoretical Cost of Sales report (when a summary is selected) now includes a column for a category’s cost as a percentage of its department’s sales.  An example is below:

Item Activity Listing - view or print a report for each tab:  There are tabs on the Item Activity Listing that display transaction activity for Counts, Orders, Receipts, Transfers, Production, and Waste.  The displayed information on any tab can now be sent to a report by selecting a "View Report" button.  Please see the examples below:

Below is the report that is generated by the "View Report" request on the Receipts tab in Item Activity for 12/14 Bacon:

Waste Item Count Entry - Add comments: A column has been added to the Waste Entry feature to provide a comment for each item. An example is below:

Item Cost Trend Chart - Pack Size Included: The Item Cost Trend Chart previously only displayed the Item Name and Cost Trends for an Item, but it did not provide the Pack Size so you might not easily know what the cost trend was reflecting. The Pack Size is now displayed after the item that is selected. An example is below:

Vendor order email listing: An email address for sending orders via email to a Vendor is configured in the Vendor setup feature. A listing has been added to Inventory Listings to view or print these emails by vendor.  Please see the examples below: 

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