Report Units - FAQ


When only one unit of measure is used for an Inventory Report, the default unit of measure ("Report Unit") will be Pack Size.  However, the Report Unit for an Inventory Item can be changed to report by Count Unit. The Report Unit can be changed at the Inventory Item, Inventory Category, or at the Inventory Department level. The reports that are impacted are listed below:

  1. Theoretical On-Hand Report
  2. Actual Cost of Sales Report
  3. Inventory Extension Report
  4. Inventory Usage Variance Report. 

Please keep in mind that changing a Report Unit does not have to be permanent.  If there is a unique situation where you need one of the above reports to report using Count Units then you can change the Report Unit configuration, run the report, and then change it back. 

Configuring Report Units:

Report Units for Inventory Items can be configured at the Inventory Item, Inventory Department, or Inventory Category levels.  If they are configured at the Department or Category level, then all of the Inventory Items that are associated with that Department or Category will use that Report Unit for the above four reports. Making a change at the Department or Category level is much faster than changing each item.   

Department Level Report Unit Change: In the below example, we want all of our wine inventory items to report by the bottle in the four above reports (count unit) versus by case (pack size). We can make this configuration by navigating to Inventory>Setup>Departments, selecting the Wine Department, and then selecting the Report Unit as shown below:

The default Report Unit will always be Pack Size.  Use the drop-down to select Count Unit if you want to change it.  

Category Level Report Unit Change: f you prefer to change the Report Unit at the Inventory Category level, then navigate to Inventory>Setup>Inventory Categories. The process for making the change is the same as displayed above for Inventory Departments. 

Inventory Item Level Report unit Change: If you do not want to change the Report Unit for an entire Inventory Department or Category, then you can make the change at the Inventory Item level in Inventory>Setup>Inventory Items. If select to edit an Item, you will see a display similar to below:

A Report Unit for an Item can be changed at the bottom left of the display under Inventory Information (see above in red). The default for an Item will be Pack Size. Only Items that have a Count Unit configured will show the option to change the Report Unit. In the above example, We can change the Chocolate Chips Item to report on the above 4 reports by Count Unit (Pound) versus Pack Size (10 Lbs). 

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