Vendor Email Listing


The Vendor Email Listing provides a listing of the email address or addresses that have been configured for a vendor as the email(s) to send purchase orders to. These emails are set up in Inventory>Setup>Vendors> Order Email Address. 

Things to know!

  • This function will only be accessible and visible to users who are given access to this function. 
  • This listing is a handy way to view the Order Email Addresses for all vendors. 

Vendor Email Listing:

To access the Vendor Email Listing, navigate to Inventory>Listings>Vendor Email Listing.  Upon selection, a listing similar to the one below will display:

Site: If you are logged into your company and you have multiple Sites, you can use the drop-down to select a specific Site.  Leaving this field blank will consolidate all Sites. Below is an example of the Vendor Email Listing:

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