Release Notes - Version 20.09.01


Release 20.09.01 went live on September 8, 2020. Many of the updates were to improve the speed, accuracy, and useability of the software. A summary of the enhancements also contained in this release is below.  Additional detail on new features or enhancements is listed after the overview: 

  • When merging inventory items you can add a pack size ratio (the pack conversion factor) between the new and the existing item.
  • The combined items tab for inventory configurations now shows the unit of measure costs for easier verifications.
  • Combined items now allow an assigned inventory item’s pack size, count units, or recipe units to be edited.
  • The inventory item activity listing will not show tabs for transaction types that have no activity.
  • Orders created in COGS-Well can be exported to Sysco's ordering system.
  • If an inventory count is deleted it will now also delete the associated GL posting.
  • A new item cost comparison report that offers ad-hoc (user selected) date ranges. 
  • The theoretical cost calculation over a date will calculate a weighted average theoretical cost over the date range. 

More Detail:

More detailed explanations of the enhancements listed above are provided below: 

Merging Inventory Items and Pack Conversion Factor: When merging items the pack sizes are not always the same.  Therefore a "Pack Conversion Factor" has been added to make it easier to keep the items synchronized. An example of the new display is below where an item that has a pack size of 1 pound is being merged into an item with a pack size of 6/5 pounds (so the conversion factor would be 30):

Combined Items - Display Unit of Measure Configurations: The unit name, the number of units, and the cost per unit is now displayed for each assigned item and for each unit of measure class (weight, volume, or count) that has been configured. This makes it much easier to audit the configurations for each item.  Please see the flour example below where configurations for Weight and Volume exist:  

Combined Items - Modify Assigned Items Pack Size, Count Unit, and Recipe Unit Configurations: You can now modify the pack size, primary measure class, an added measure class, and the units per factor for an assigned inventory item directly from the combined item screen.  Prior to this enhancement, you had to open the inventory item in inventory item set up to make these modifications. An example is below:

New Item Cost Comparison Report: At the bottom of the Inventory Reports menu (Inventory>Reports) is a new "Cost Comparison" report.  This report will compare the cost of the selected items using the price on the "first date" to compare to the price on the "second date". It can be run for a selected site, inventory department, inventory category, inventory group, or vendor.  Below is the report criteria screen:

Below is an example of the new Cost Comparision Report:

Theoretical Cost Weighted Average Over a Date Range: The theoretical cost of sales reports (Target Cost Variance, Menu Engineering, Theoretical Cost of Sales, and Theoretical Profit from Sales) all ask for a "begin date" and an "end date". A weighted average theoretical cost for the selected date range is calculated by finding the most recent count date prior to the begin date for each inventory item in the recipe and using its values along with all other inbound transactions through the end date to determine the weighted theoretical cost.

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