Release Notes - Version 20.10.01


Release 20.10.01 went live on October 19, 2020. . A summary of the updates and enhancements contained in this release is below.  Additional detail on new features or enhancements is listed after the summary overview: 

  • You can now define a "Pack Size" and a Count Unit for Combined Items that you flag to be counted. 
  • The Sales Item Listing is now available in the COGS product (in addition to COGS+).
  • When assigning an inventory item to a combined item in the inventory item setup feature, the inventory item will inherit any other measure class configuration(s).  
  • New option to flag a vendor to not import new items from an invoice if they are not assigned to a valid Category. 

More Detail:

More detailed explanations of the updates and enhancements listed above are provided below: 

Pack Size for Combined Items that are flagged to be counted: Previously, when a Combined Item was flagged to be counted, only one Count Unit could be configured. For example, if tomato sauce is a combined item flagged to be counted, and the 2 inventory items assigned to tomato sauce both had a pack size of 6 /#10 Cans, you could only configure one count unit for the combined item.  We have added the ability to configure a Pack Size and a Count Unit for a combined item. In this tomato sauce example, you can now configure to count the number of 6/#10 Can Packs, and the number of Cans for the inventory count worksheet and count entry.  For Combined Items that you have already set up to be counted, the new Pack Size field will default to be the same as the Count Unit, but it can be modified.   

The Sales Item Listing has been added to COGS: If you are not using the COGS+ product that includes an interface to your POS, you may still be setting up recipes for your Sales Items for menu modeling purposes. Therefore, you may want to print or view the Sales Item listing. We have now included the Sales Item Listing in both the COGS and COGS+ products. 

An Inventory Item will inherit a Combined Item's Measure Classes: Previously, when using the inventory item set up feature, and if you assigned the item to a combined item that was configured for added measure classes, you were required to add those measure classes to the inventory item manually before you could save the item. Now, provided the inventory item you are viewing has at least one measure class in common with the Combined Item, any other Measure Class(es) configured for the Combined Item, will automatically configure for the inventory item being assigned to that item.   In the example below, the Tomato Sauce Combined Item was selected when editing the Inventory Item for S&W Homestyle Tomato Sauce.  Once it was selected, the count recipe unit auto-configured to "Can" and "96 Fz(s)" per Can because it was configured in the Combined Item. 

Option to flag a vendor to not import items that are not assigned to a valid Category: COGS-Well will normally import and create Inventory Items for every line item on a Vendor's invoice that is imported. In situations where you do not wish to count, order, or track certain inventory items that are on these invoices, this new option enables you to avoid having a new inventory item created as a result of invoices from this vendor, if the line item does not have a GL account number that is linked to a Category that has been set up in COGS-Well. 

An example of when you might use this feature is if you have a vendor that adds freight, or deposits, or discounts as a line item on their invoices.  If you do not have Categories for these items, and this vendor is flagged to not import, then the dollar value for these items will be distributed to a GL Account(s).  

Please note that you should not use this feature if you want to use COGS-Well to order items that you exclude.  If you are considering the use of this feature, we recommend that you contact COGS-Well support to make sure it is a good fit for your requirements. 


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