Inventory Items - Storage Locations


The setup feature for Inventory Items contains multiple tabs and there are quite a few fields on each tab. To keep our articles concise, we have therefore created multiple help articles to cover all aspects of the inventory item setup feature.  This article will focus on the Storage Locations tab on the Inventory Item Setup feature.  

Things to Know!

  • The use of Storage Locations is optional.
  • Storage Locations enable you to count your inventory by Storage Location.
  • Items can be sequenced in a storage location so they are in a "Shelf to Sheet" order. 
  • If you do not set up and use Storage Locations when you count inventory, your items will default to list alphabetically, by Inventory Category. 
  • The Storage Location tab will only be available when you are logged into a Site (versus your company). 
  • An inventory item can be assigned to multiple Storage Locations. 
  • Storage Locations are set up in Inventory Setup - Inventory>Setup>Storage Locations.
  • For more information on Storage Location Setup, please see Storage Locations.    
  • Inventory Items can be assigned to Storage Locations via the Assign Items to Storage Locations feature.  They do not need to be assigned via the Inventory Item Setup feature.  The option exists here primarily for when you are adding or validating a new Inventory Item. 

Inventory Item Setup - Storage Locations Tab:

Use the Sidebar to navigate to the Manage Inventory Items menu option and then select Inventory Items from the submenu.

The Inventory Item Setup feature's Storage Locations tab is next to the Items tab. This tab will only show if you are logged into a Site versus your Company.  

Available and Selected: Above is a dual list box. Listed under the Available column are all the Storage Locations that are available to be assigned to this Item, but have not been assigned. Listed under the Selected column are all the Storage Locations assigned to this Item.

To move a Storage Location from one selection to another, check the box by the Location or Locations you want to move and then hit the arrow direction "< or >" that you want to move them to.  

Bin Numbers Tab:

Bins are most commonly associated with the storage of Wines. If you put a checkmark in the "Item is Stored in a Bin" box in the Settings on the Inventory Item tab (see below), then a Tab for entering the Bin Number will become available (please note that the tab for selecting a Bin Number will only show up if you are logged into a Site):

Selecting the Bin Numbers tab will display a screen like below where you can enter the Bin Number for an item:

Entering Bin Numbers: In the display above, the only Storage Location showing up for assignment is Wine Storage.  This is because Wine Storage is the only Storage Location that was defined as using Bins in the Storage Location Setup feature. The Bin Number column on the right (in light blue shading) is where you can enter the Bin Number for this Inventory Item.  Please keep in mind that Inventory Items can be assigned to Bins via the "Assign Items to Storage Locations" feature via Inventory>Setup>Assign Items to Storage Locations. 

Save or Exit:

Save - Click the save button to save your entry.

Exit - Click the exit button to exit.  If you have made unsaved changes, you will be asked if you are sure. 

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