Recipe Item Setup - Assigned Sites


There are multiple tabs on the Recipe Item setup feature. The explanations for each tab are somewhat lengthy so individual articles exist for the tabs in the Recipe Item Setup feature.  This article covers the tabs for "Assigned to Sites". 

Things to know!

  • The Assign to Sites tab only shows up if you have multiple sites and when you are logged into your company (versus a Site). 
  • It is important to remember to assign a new Recipe Item to every site that uses it. 
  • There are separate help articles for the other tabs associated with the Recipe Item Setup Feature. 

Recipe Item Setup - Assigned to Sites Tab:

The Assigned to Sites tab enables you to see which Sites the recipe Item you are viewing has been assigned to. You must be logged into your company (versus a Site) to have access to this tab. 

Available and Selected: Listed under the Available column are all the Sites that are available to be assigned to this recipe Item, but have not been assigned. Listed under the Selected column are all the Sites that have been assigned to this Item. 

To move a Site from one selection to another, check the box by the Site or Sites you want to move and then hit the arrow direction you want to move them to.

Save, Delete, and Exit:

At the bottom of the screen are the Save, Delete, and Exit buttons.

Save - Saves the entry or entries without exiting.

Delete - Deletes the Item. You will be asked, "Are you sure"?

Exit -  Exits without saving any new entries or edits.

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