Release Notes - Version 21.08.01


Release 21.08.01 went live on August 19th, 2021. This release was primarily done to update our development technology stack to the latest versions of Angular and DevExtreme. This will keep COGS-Well compatible with the latest updates and upgrades provided by these vendors. It also speeded up some of our data entry features like enter inventory counts. We also added a new Cost of Sales report, added sort options to the Inventory Usage report, and added a "next" button to certain Criteria screens. 

  • A new "Cost of Sales Variance" Report has been added. 
  • Sorting options have been added to the Inventory Usage Variance report. 
  • The Ordering Report now as options to select a specific Inventory Department, Category, Group. 
  • New "Next" button on Entry, Template, and Export Criteria Screens.

More Detail:

More detailed explanations of the updates and enhancements listed above are provided below: 

New Cost of Sales Variance Report: The primary purpose of this new report is to add theoretical costs to the Actual Cost of Sales report and calculate variances between theoretical and actual inventory costs and usage. An example is reporting actual and theoretical costs for the Inventory Categories of Meat, Seafood, Produce, Dairy, and Grocery in dollars and as a percentage of the Recipe Department for Food Sales. This new report has a variety of reporting options such as inventory item detail or summary and listing multiple sites in one report. Below is just one example of a summary report for a single site. For a more comprehensive explanation please click this link to the Cost of Sales Variance report.   

COGS-Well support will typically set up the Sales and Cost Classes required for this report for you. If your Classes are not configured, please ask COGS-Well support for help if you would like assistance. You can also click this link for information on Setting up Sales and Cost Classes

A POS interface is required to capture the sales used in this report. If you are using the COGS product (inventory and recipes only), the above report will not be available.  

New Sorting Options for the Inventory Usage Report: Sort options (higher to lowest or lowest to highest) have been added to the Actual Inventory Usage report. You can sort the quantity or the dollars columns. In the below example, we have sorted the quantity usage for Draft Beer from highest to lowest. Click on the icon over the column to initiate a sort. 

New reporting options on Order Report: Filters for Inventory Department, Category, and Group have been added to the ordering report. This is handy for when certain staff members may only want to report on the area they are responsible for (like a bar or kitchen manager), or a certain group of items that they order at the same time.  

New Next Button: We realized that it is not always obvious how to move from a criteria display to an entry, template, or export display. Up until now, the only way has been to click on the tab you want to navigate to. There is now a new option at the bottom of the Criteria tab display to click on a "next" button to move to the next tab. Please see the example below on the inventory count entry criteria tab:


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