Transfer Markup Types


Transfer Markup Types will only be available if Commissary Features are enabled in your Company Settings. Markups provide a way to increase the cost of an item for the Site receiving the Transfer by a selected percentage of the item's current cost. A Markup Type enables you to preconfigure a markup percentage, the Sites it applies to, the items or a GL account, and any Overrides. Markups can be applied to any item type that can be transferred. Markup costs can be included in the inventory adjustments that are exported to your general ledger. 

Things to know!

  • Transfer Markup Types will only be available when Commissary Features are enabled in your Company Settings.
  • You will need to flag a Site as being a Commissary Site and markups will only apply to transfers coming from a Commissary Site. 
  • Transfer Markup Types should be configured when you desire to increase the cost of the items being transferred from a Commissary Site to another Site to be increased (marked up). Examples of when you might want to do this are to allocate operational costs, add delivery costs, add packaging costs, etc.  
  • Transfer Costs that include Markups can be exported via Inventory Adjustments that are exported to your general ledger.
  • Transfer Markup Types are preconfigured to include a percentage markup, the Site(s) it applies to, and any overrides. 
  • The primary percentage selected for a Transfer Markup Type can be adjusted via Overrides.  Overrides allow you to apply a different percentage markup to items either by Department, Category or at the Item level.  
  • You have the option of having Markup percentages applied to each item, or only to a selected GL Account. 
  • If you do a different Transfer Cost Markup for some Sites versus other Sites, then create a Transfer Markup Type for each different Markup percentage and assign the appropriate Site or Sites. 
  • This feature will only be accessible and visible to users who are given access to it.
  • Please click this link for more information about the Commissary Features in COGS-Well. 

Add or Edit Transfer Markup Types:

To add, review, edit or delete a Transfer Markup Type, navigate to Inventory>Setup>Transfer Markup Types.  Upon selection, a screen similar to the one below will display any types that are already set up. 

If you wish to edit (view) or delete a Transfer Markup Type you can select the button on the right side of the Type. If you wish to add a new Transfer Markup Type then click on the plus "+" button at the top next to the main search option.  In the below display we have selected to edit/view the "Delivery Fee 3%" Transfer Markup Type:

General Tab:

Transfer Markup Type Name: Enter a name that will help you easily identify the Markup Type. 

GL Account: Use the drop-down to select the GL account that you want the Markup to export to. 

Markup Percentage: Enter the Markup Percentage that you desire. 

Add Markup to Item Cost: If this box is checked then the Markup Percentage will be applied to the cost of each item. If you uncheck this box, the Markup Percentage will be calculated for each item, but only applied to the selected GL account. 

Transferring To Sites Tab:

The Transferring To Sites tab enables you to select the Site or Sites that you want this Markup Type to apply to.  An example is below: 

Available and Selected: The display above is a dual list box. Listed under the Available column are all the Sites that are available to be assigned to this Markup Type, but have not been assigned. Listed under the Selected column are all the Sites that have been assigned to this Markup Type. To move a Site from one selection to another, check the box by the Site or Sites you want to move and then hit the arrow direction you want to move them to.

Inventory Department Overrides Tab:

If the 3% override selected for this Transfer Markup Type does not apply to all of the items that are transferred to this Site, then you can override the 3%.  The Department tab enables you to enter an override percentage for an entire Department of items (such as Beverages) versus entering an override for each item.

Inventory Category Overrides Tab:

If the 3% override selected for this Transfer Markup Type does not apply to all of the items that are transferred to this Site, then you can override the 3%.  The Category tab enables you to enter an override percentage for an entire Category of items (such as Bakery) versus entering an override for each item.

Item Overrides Tab:

If the 3% override selected for this Transfer Markup Type does not apply to all of the items that are transferred to this Site, then you can override the 3%.  If using the Department or Category Overrides does not give you enough detail, then you can enter an override for specific items. The marked-up cost for an item is displayed in the last column. Please see the example below:

Save or Exit:

Save - Click the save button to save your entry.

Exit - Click the exit button to exit.  If you have made changes that are unsaved, you will be asked are you sure. 

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