Receiving by GL Account Report


The Receiving by GL Account Report lists all recorded Receipts (Invoices, Credit Memos, and C.O.Ds), for the desired date range, by GL Account (in alphabetic GL Account order). The report can be filtered for a specific vendor and/or a specific GL Account. 

Things to know!

  • This report will only be accessible and visible to users who are given access to this report function. 
  • The Receiving by GL report will list all Receipts (Invoices, CODs, or Credit Memos) for a selected date range, by GL Account (in alphabetic GL Account order). 
  • The Receiving by GL report can be filtered for a specific vendor and/or a specific GL Account. 
  • Invoice detail is available via drilling down on a Document Number. 
  • There are buttons at the top of the report columns for sorting this report (highest to lowest or lowest to highest values).

Report Parameters

To Run a Receiving by GL report, navigate to Inventory>Reports>Receiving>Receiving By GL Account. Upon selection, a Report Parameters screen like the one below will display:

Site: The Site prompt will appear if you are logged into your Company and you have multiple Sites. You can run for a specific Site or all Sites. 

Begin Date: From the drop-down calendar, select a starting date range. 

End Date: From the drop-down calendar, select an ending date range. 

Vendor: If you want to view only one Vendor, use the drop-down search to select the Vendor. Leaving this field blank will report for all vendors. 

GL Account: If you want to view only one GL Account, use the drop-down search to select the GL Account. Leaving this field blank will report for all accounts. 

Run Report: Once you have selected your report parameters, click the Run Report button to list the report.

Receiving Report:

Selecting to Run the Receiving by GL Report for all vendors and all GL accounts will display a report similar to below. 

Site: The name of the Site to which the Receipt Transactions apply to. 

Vendor Name: The Vendor that the Receipt Transactions apply to.

Delivery Date: The Delivery Date is the date that an invoice was delivered.

Document Number: The Document Number comes from your Vendor. It is displayed in blue font to represent that it can be drilled down to view the invoice detail (see below). 

Total Cost: The total amount of the transaction.

Report Options: For a description of the toolbar provided at the top of the report, please see "Report Options" for help. Report Options link.

When you see this button it means a sort option is available to display the transactions in ascending or descending order (from lowest to highest or highest to lowest). Click on the button to invoke the sort option. Click once for lowest to highest.  Click again to reverse the sort to be for highest to lowest. 

Receiving By GL Report - Drill Down option on the Document Number:

If a value is displayed in blue on a COGS-Well report that means you can click on that value to drill down on the detail for that value. In the example report above, the Document Number is displaying values in blue. If you want to see the detail for Document Number 445584, click on it and the detail for that invoice will display like the example below. If you want to return to the report, then click the back arrow at the top left of the report toolbar. 

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