Export Options - FAQs


COG-Well provides several options for exporting data from COGS-Well to a spreadsheet or other formats. One option is available via the toolbar on reports and listings. Another option is available via the "Find Grids" for certain features. A Find Grid is the display you see when you select to add/view/edit information you have in your database such as inventory items, recipe items, categories, departments, vendors, etc.  

Things to Know:

  • All reports, worksheets, and listings in COGS-Well will display with a toolbar at the top that includes a button that provides export options.
  • Most of the setup features include a button on the "Find Grid" that will export all of the items that have been set up to a spreadsheet. 
  • A Find Grid is the display you see when you select to add, view, or edit for a setup feature such as inventory items, recipe items, categories, departments, vendors, etc. 

Reports, Worksheets, and Listings Export Options:

All COGS-Well Reports, Listings, and Worksheets will display with a toolbar at the top. The buttons on this toolbar provide many options that are all documented in this link to Report Options - FAQs. For this article on export options, we will focus on the export button that is outlined in red in the below example:

If you move your mouse over the export option button, a list of export options will display as shown in the example below. You can then highlight and select the export option that you prefer:

The Export Option on the"Find Grid" for Setup Features:

A Find Grid is the display you see when you select a setup feature in COGS-Well such as inventory items, recipe items, categories, departments, vendors, etc.  The export button is located on the Find Grids next to the “+” (“add new”) button (please see the example below). This export will always be to an Excel spreadsheet. 

In the above example, we have navigated to Inventory>Setup>Inventory Items and the Find Grid is displaying, The export button is highlighted in red. When you click the export button, an Excel spreadsheet will be created for all of the information displayed on the Find Grid. Information can be filtered or sorted on the Find Grid, if desired, prior to export. The spreadsheet will appear on the bottom left of your display. Click on the spreadsheet to access it. The setup feature Find Grids that have the export button option are listed below:

  • Find Grids with the export option:
    • Inventory Items
    • Combined Items
    • Recipe Items
    • Vendors
    • Inventory and Recipe Categories and Departments
    • Sales Classes
    • Sites
    • GL Accounts
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