Extension Comparison Report


The Extension Comparison report enables you to compare up to 4 different inventory count dates to each other. It also will average the quantities and extension values for the reported valuation counts. This report can be used to identify possible count errors, determine trends, etc. 

Things to know!

  • This report will only be accessible and visible to users who are given access to this report function. 
  • The Extension Comparison report will include all Items that were recorded for the selected Count dates. 
  • Up to four different count dates can be included in the report. 
  • There is an option to only include Valuation Counts in the report.  

Report Parameters

To Run an Inventory Extension Report, navigate to Inventory>Reports>Extensions>Extension Comparison.  Upon selection, a Report Parameters screen like the below will display:

Site: This filter only displays if you are logged into your company (versus a specific Site).  The drop-down enables a search and selection of your desired Site. 

Begin Count Date:  From the drop-down menu select the first Count Date to be listed.

End Count date: From the drop-down menu select the last Count Date to be listed.

Valuation Counts Only: If you take valuation counts and counts by inventory group (partial inventory counts), then you can exclude the partial counts by checking this box. 

Explode Recipe Items into Ingredients: This is best explained via an example. Let's say we have a Recipe Item for Chicken Salad - Prep and we have flagged it to be counted when we enter inventory counts. If we counted 5 pounds of Chicken Salad, the Inventory Extension Report will report a count of 5 pounds and an extended value using the cost of the combined ingredients. If you check the box for this "explode" option, then instead of reporting a count and value for Chicken Salad, it will add the quantity and value to each ingredient (the chicken, the celery, the mayonnaise, etc). Please keep in mind that if you are entering Production for a Recipe Item, then this feature will not apply because the ingredients are depleted when you enter Production.      

Inventory Department: If you want to run the report for a specific Inventory Department (an example might be the Food Department), you can use the drop-down to select your desired Department. If you do not select a specific Department then all Departments will be included.   

Inventory Category: If you want to run the report for a specific Inventory Category (an example might be White Wines), you can use the drop-down to select your desired Category. If you do not select a specific Category then all Categories will be included. 

Inventory Item Group: If you want to run the report for a specific Inventory Group (an example might be Dairy), you can use the drop-down to select your desired  Group. If you do not select a specific Group then all Groups will be included. 

Include Items with Zero Counts: In inventory Count Entry, you can enter a "0" as the count for an item to indicate the item is no longer in stock. An item with a 0 count will then not show up on the next inventory count entry or count worksheet unless you receive it again prior to the count. Check this box if you want to include items with a 0 count entry in the extension report. 

Run Report: Once you have selected your report parameters, click the Run Report button to list the report.

Extension Comparison Report:

Selecting to Run the Extension Comparison Report will display a report similar to below:

The Extension Comparison Report is first sorted by the inventory department and then by the inventory category within that department. Each item within a category is listed along with its pack size, count, and extension value. An extension value for each category is subtotaled and the value for each category within a department is added to provide an extension for the department. Up to four different count dates can be included in this report. The number of dates you will see is controlled by the number of counts that have been entered with the beginning and ending count dates that were specified in the parameters.  

Averages: This report provides averages for quantity and extension value for each item. The average is calculated by adding the values for each date and dividing those values by the number of dates.    

Report Options: For a description of the toolbar provided at the top of the report, please see "Report Options" for help. Report Options link.

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