Release Notes - Version 22.01.02


Release 22.01.02 went live on January 15, 2022. This release includes updates to our Dashboard, a new Validated Date column on Inventory Item Find Grid, the ability to disable the dashboard view of or access to items requiring validation, and updates to our transfer features.    

  • A new Dashboard display for activity over the last 30 Days. You can also use this display to jump to more detail.  
  • A new column has been added to the Inventory Item Find Grid for "Validated Date" to make it easier to find or view items that have been validated.   
  • A new option to control if a user will have access to Validate Item features or see Validation Requirements on their dashboard.
  • There is an added display in the Item Overrides tab for Transfers to show the Marked Up total cost amount. 
  • The Enter Transfers grid now has a total transfer amount at the bottom of the grid. 
  • Production Counts and Orders are now included in the Undelete options. 

More Detail:

Below are more detailed explanations for some of the updates and enhancements listed above: 

New Dashboard Display - 30 Day Activity: To expand the useability provided by our main Dashboard, we have added a display for "30 Day Activity". The objective is to provide you with added information about important items or transactional activity, as well as to provide you with some quick links to often-used features. Below is an example of the new 30 Day Activity display on the dashboard. It is a new grid that displays on the top of the dashboard, between the Alerts and the 7 Day Sales by Site grids. 

Overview: The 30 Day Activity dashboard above is showing item or transaction activity (# of occurrences) in the Value column that occurred over the last 30 days, for each row. For example, in the example above, 18 Inventory Items have been validated and 13 new invoices have come in, over the last 30 days. The Jump Button (>) on the right of each row will either take you to a report or to a Find Grid that provides more detail for the items or transaction row you click on. More information on each activity type that may display on your 30 Day Activity Dashboard is below: 

New Inventory Items:  The value on this row represents the number of new inventory items that have been added over the last 30 days. It will include new inventory items that were imported from invoices or added manually. Clicking on the "Jump button" (>) will take you to an Inventory Item Listing that will filter for all new Inventory Items that were added over the last 30 days. 

Validated Inventory Items: The value on this row represents the number of items that have required Validation over the last 30 days. As a reminder, Validation is part of our Receiving Audit Service which most of our customers utilize to ensure that all inventory item information imported from invoices is accurately updated to your database. Each instance where an item from an invoice is new or is missing information will create an alert that our auditors will address for you. For more information about Validation and Receiving Audit, please click this link on Validation FAQs. In the example above, the COGS-Well Receiving Audit team has Validated 18 inventory items over the last 30 days. Clicking on the "Jump button" (>) on the Validated Inventory Items row will take you to the "Find Grid" for Inventory Items. Please reference the explanation below for the new "Validated Date Column" to learn how to isolate items that have been Validated on this Find Grid.  

New Sales Items: The value on this row represents the number of Sales Items that have been added over the last 30 days. It will include new sales items that were imported from your POS or added manually. Clicking on the Jump Button will take you to a Sales Item Listing that will be filtered for all new sales Items that were added over the last 30 days. 

Inventory Counts: The value on this row represents the number of inventory counts over the last 30 days. Clicking on the "Jump button" (>) will take you to the "Find Grid" for Inventory Count Add/Edit. Counts will be displayed from newest date to oldest on the display. Use the search or filter tools at the top of each column on the grid if you would like to filter or sort for specific information to display on the find grid. Please note that you can also use the jump button as a shortcut to access the Inventory Count Entry find grid. 

Invoices: The value on this row represents the number of new invoices over the last 30 days. It will include invoices that were imported and any invoices that may have been manually entered. Clicking on the "Jump button" (>) will take you to the find grid for Invoice Receiving Add/View/Edit. Transactions will be listed from newest date to oldest on the display. Use the search or filter tools at the top of each column on the grid if you would like to filter or sort the display for specific information. Please note that you can also use the jump button as a shortcut to access the Receiving find grid. 

Returns: The value on this row represents the number of returns over the last 30 days. It will include returns that were imported and any returns that may have been manually entered. Clicking on the "Jump button" (>) will take you to the "Find Grid" for Invoice Receiving Add/View/Edit. Transactions will be listed from newest date to oldest on the display. You can use the search or filter tools at the top of each column on the grid if you would like to filter or sort the display for specific information. Please note that you can also use the jump button as a shortcut to access the Receiving find grid.

Other Transaction Types: The 30 Day Activity display will include rows and values for Transfers, Production, Waste, and Orders in the event you are using these features. You may have to scroll down via the scrollbar on the right of this dashboard grid to show these activity types. An example is below:

Notes on Other Activity Types: Summary transfer activity will only display if you are logged into your company (versus a site). If you are logged into a Site and you use Transfers, you will see a row for Transfers In and Transfers Out if there are transactions within the last 30 days. All of these activity types will show values (# of transactions) for the last 30 days. All of these activity types will jump to the find grid that is associated with that transaction. You can use the search or filter tools at the top of each column on the grids if you would like to filter or sort the find grid display for specific information. Please note that you can also use the jump button as a shortcut to access the find grid for each transaction type.

Validated Date Column Added to Inventory Item Find Grid: As mentioned above, COGS-Well provides a Receiving Audit Service for most of our customers where we validate that the inventory items from newly imported invoices include complete information and are being accurately updated to your database. This Receiving Audit service is provided "behind the scenes" and customers have asked us to make it easier for them to view the items that have been validated by our auditors (or by one of their team members if they validate items themselves). We, therefore, added a column on the Inventory Item Find Grid for a "Validated Date". An example is below:


Validated Date on Inventory Item Find Grid: Whether you access the Inventory Item Find Grid via the jump button on the 30 Day Activity Dashboard, or via Inventory>Setup>Items, you will see the new Validated date column as shown in the example above. If you hover over the magnifying glass at the top of this column, you will see the filtering options as shown in the example below:

To view the items that have been validated over a date range, hover over the magnifying glass, then click on the "Greater Than or Equal To" option that is highlighted above. Next, click on the calendar button at the top right of the Validated Column to see the calendar display as shown in the example below. Then select your greater than or equal to starting date from the calendar as shown below:


Only the items that have been validated within your selected date range will display after a starting date has been selected,  If you want to view additional detail or change an item, then select the edit button next to that item on the find grid An example of only validated items for a date range is shown below:

Validation Option in User Setup: The Alerts dashboard displays new items requiring validation. As mentioned above, our Receiving Audit team validates items for most of our customers so this display may or may not be useful. In addition, the jump key for each row on the display will jump to the validate item feature. If you have Users that you do not want to have access to validation features, and/or, you have Users that don't need to see items requiring validation in the Alerts display, then Validation can now be enabled or disabled for a User by navigating to Company>Setup>Users and selecting to edit a User. An example of the new User display is below: 

The Checkbox for your existing Users has been defaulted to yes (the box is checked). The default when you add a new User will also check this box. If you wish to change this for any User(s) then navigate to Company>Setup>Users, select the User(s), and uncheck this box.  If this box is unchecked, the User will still see Cost Alerts and they will also see the Alerts related to Transfers if they are logged into a Site and if Transfers are enabled. The User will not see validation-related alerts. If there are no Alerts to display then the Alerts display grid will not display at all. An example of an Alerts display when a User has Validation Alerts turned off and Transfers are enabled is shown below:

Marked Up Cost Amount on Items Override Tab: The display on the Item Overrides Tab for Transfer Markup Types has an added column on the right to display the Marked Up Cost amount. When an Override Markup % or dollar amount is added to an Item via a Markup Type, the Marked Up Cost will show the marked-up cost that the item will be transferred at. An example is below:

Enter Transfers Grid Now Has a Total: A summation or total amount for a transfer entry or edit transaction is now displayed as shown below:

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