Send Order to Vendor Request - FAQs


If you have a COGS-Well User that you want to allow to enter orders, but not send orders to a vendor, COGS-Well provides a set of controls to manage this situation that we collectively reference as "Send Order To Vendor Requests". 

The more common situation in COGS-Well is a User that can enter orders and can also send orders to vendors so that is how a User's settings will default. Send Order to Vendor Requests should be used when you want to change this default.   

A User(s) not enabled to send orders can enter/edit orders and create a request for the order to be sent. A User(s) that is enabled to send orders will receive a Dashboard Alert that an order is ready to be sent, then they can review the order, and then send it to the vendor. A more comprehensive review follows: 

Things to know

  • Ordering must be enabled in your Company Settings (navigate to Company Setup>Company Settings). 
  • The User Settings feature includes a control for whether the User can send orders to vendors (navigate to Company>Setup>Users.
  • A New User can be enabled (or not) to send orders to a vendor (the default is enabled).
  • Any Users already in your system will default to having the send orders to a vendor control enabled (they can send orders to vendors). 
  • This User option is only available if Ordering is enabled in your Company Settings. 
  • A User not enabled to send orders to vendors can enter an order and send a request to have it sent to a vendor.  
  • A send order request will create a dashboard alert. 
  • A User that is enabled to send orders to vendors will see the alert on their dashboard when a request to send an order is made.   
  • A User that is enabled to send orders can jump from the alert to review, edit, and send the order. 
  • For more information on entering an order, please click this link to the Order Entry feature

User Setup for Send Orders to Vendor Requests:

To set up a new User, or to modify an existing User, for sending orders to vendors, navigate to Company>Settings>Users. When you land on the User Find Grid, select the plus "+" key to add a new User or select to edit an existing User.  Below we have selected to add a New User:

The default is a checkmark in the "User may send orders to Vendors" box which indicates this User may send orders. Click the box once so the checkmark disappears to not enable this User to send orders to vendors. Please note that if you have Ordering enabled in your company settings, your existing users will default to having this control enabled (meaning they can send orders to vendors). 

Enter Orders (User is NOT enabled to send orders to vendors):

A User that is not enabled to send orders to vendors should follow the normal Order Entry process. When they select to enter an order and land on the Order Find Grid (shown below), there is a column that indicates whether there is an order that has been requested to be sent to a vendor. In the example below, there is not an order with a send to vendor request because the Send Requested column is blank (it would display "Yes" if there was a send request). 


When a User note enabled to send orders to a vendor is entering or editing an order, and they are on the Entry tab, they will see a display similar to the below:

A User not enabled to send orders to a vendor will see a "Request Send to Vendor" button at the bottom of their display as shown above. When they have finished their order, this User should click the "Request send to vendor button" (highlighted above). Clicking this button will create a Dashboard Alert for Users that are enabled to send orders to vendors. Also, on the Order Find Grid (shown below), It will now show that there is a request to send to a vendor that has not yet been sent. An example of the Order Find Grid with an order that has a send requested is shown below:

Dashboard Alert (User IS enabled to send orders to a vendor):

A User that is enabled to send orders to vendors will receive an Alert on their dashboard that there are orders to be sent to vendors. An example of the Alert is below:

In the above example, there is 1 order to be sent to a vendor (the number of orders to be sent is in the Value column). A User that is enabled to send orders to vendors can click on the jump button ">" on the right side of the alert to go directly to the Order Find Grid (shown below). Any order that has a "Yes" in the Send Requested column needs to be sent to the vendor.  

Any order that has a "Yes" in the Send Requested column needs to be sent to the vendor. To send the order, select to edit an order that has not been sent and the item detail will display. Please see the example below:

From this display, a User that can send orders to vendors can review or modify the item detail for the order. They can also select the criteria tab to view or modify the criteria such as the site, order date, or vendor,  

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