Cost of Sales Variance Report


The Cost of Sales Variance Report enables you to compare your actual cost of sales to your theoretical cost of sales and determine the variance. The report can be run in detail (shows all items) or in summary (by category, department, and/or sales & cost class). This report can consolidate sites or report a summary for each site on the same report. 

Things to know!

  • This report shows the actual and theoretical costs of sales and calculates variances between the two. 
  • This report will only be accessible and visible to users who are given access to this report function. 
  • A POS interface is required to capture the sales used in this report.
  • The Detail option for this report will show items and roll them up for category and department totals.
  • This report can be run for a specific Site, or there is an option to report a summary for each Site on the same report.  
  • This report runs for a selected date range between two Inventory Count dates. Count dates are needed so that actual usage can be calculated. 
  • Sales & Cost Classes must already be configured if you want to run this report. Please see this link on Sales & Cost Class Setup for more information.

Report Parameters

To Run the Cost of Sales Variance Report, navigate to Recipes & Sales>Reports>Cost of Sales>Cost of Sales Variance. Upon selection, a Report Parameters screen like the one below will display:

Site Group: If you are logged in at the company level and have set up site groups, then you can use the drop-down to select a site group.

Site: If you are logged in at the company level and you have multiple sites, then you can use the drop-down to select a site. Leaving it blank will consolidate all sites.

Inventory Count Type: If you are entering counts for groups of items as well as valuation counts for all items, you can use the drop-down to select the count type.

Begin Count Date: From the drop-down calendar, select a date for the starting inventory count. 

End Count Date: From the drop-down calendar, select a date for the ending inventory count. 

Inventory Department: If you want to run the report for a specific Inventory Department (an example might be the Food Department), you can use the drop-down to select your desired Department. If you do not select a specific Department then all Departments will be included. 

Inventory Category: If you want to run the report for a specific Inventory Category (an example might be White Wines), you can use the drop-down to select your desired Category. If you do not select a specific Category then all Categories will be included.

Inventory Item Group: If you want to run the report for a specific Inventory Group (an example might be Dairy), you can use the drop-down to select your desired  Group. If you do not select a specific Group then all Groups will be included.

Detail or Summary: The detail will include all Items in each Inventory Category. The summary will show Inventory Category and Department totals only.

Summary Type: Detail will include all Items and it is the default selection. Use the drop-down to select options to run this report by Category, Department, or Sales & Cost Class summary. The Site Summary option will report a summary for each site on the same report.  in each Inventory Category and Department. The summary will show Inventory Category and Department totals only.

Price Type: You can use the drop-down to select the average, retail, or model price for menu items on this report.

Consolidate Sites: If you do not select a Site, checking this box will consolidate the report to be consolidated for all Sites for any Summary type.

Run Report: Once you have selected your report parameters, click the Run Report button to list the report.

Cost of Sales Variance Report - Detail:

Selecting to Run the Report with the detail selected will display a report similar to the one below:  

The Cost of Sales Variance Report in detail reports your Actual item and your Theoretical item usage in Quantity and Cost and calculates a Cost Variance in dollars. It also shows the Actual and Theoretical Costs as percentages and calculates a Variance Cost percentage. The Efficiency % is the Theoretical Cost divided by the Actual Cost. This report will summarize each Inventory Category and Department of items within a Sales & Cost Class that has been configured for revenue.  

Report Options: For a description of the toolbar provided at the top of the report, please see "Report Options" for help. Report Options link.

Cost of Sales Variance Report - Inventory Category Summary:

Selecting to Run the Report by Inventory Category will display a report similar to the one below: 

The Cost of Sales Variance - Inventory Category Summary Report that is shown above, summarizes the Inventory Categories within each Sales & Cost Class that has been configured for Revenue. 

Cost of Sales Variance Report - Inventory Department Summary:

Selecting to Run the Report by Inventory Department will display a report similar to the one below: 

The Cost of Sales Variance - Inventory Department Summary Report that is shown above, summarizes the Inventory Departments within each Sales & Cost Class that has been configured for Revenue.

Cost of Sales Variance Report - Site Summary:

Selecting to Run the Report by Site Summary will display a report similar to the one below: 

The Cost of Sales Variance - Site Summary Report that is shown above, summarizes the total Cost Variances for each Site.

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