Release Notes - Version 22.06.01


Release 22.06.01 went live on June 18, 2022.

  • The "Alt inventory name" in the Inventory Items feature is now called "Inventory item name" and is populated with the Vendor Item name. 
  • A new Actual Usage Site Detail report that displays the actual usage for multiple sites.  
  • The Count worksheet can now be printed by the Inventory Department or Inventory Category. 
  • The Receiving report can now be printed for a single receiving record.   
  • Sales Item Listing new option to select the price type of Average price, Retail price, or Model price

More Detail:

Below are more detailed explanations for some of the updates and enhancements listed above: 

Inventory Items - Inventory Item Name:

The "Alt Inventory name" field has been renamed to "Inventory item name".  The Vendor item name will be populated into this field for all items.  This allows users to modify the Inventory item name that will be used in COGS-Well as the description of the item. 

Usage Site Detail report:

The new Weekly Sales Mix report is on the Inventory --> Reports --> Usage drop-down menu. You can select a Begin count date, End count date, Inventory Category, Inventory Department, and Inventory Group for this report.  The report will have a column for each site for comparison.: 

Count Worksheet:

The Count Worksheet can now be printed by the Inventory category and Inventory department when the Count worksheet is printed without storage locations.

Receiving Report:

A new option, Specific receipt, has been added to the Receiving Report.  After selecting a vendor this option can be used to select a single invoice or credit memo to be printed.

Sales Item Listings:

A new option, Price Type, has been added to the Sales Item Listings.  This option allows for selecting to print the report out by Average price, Retail price, or Model price.

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