Release Notes - Version 22.07.01


Release 22.07.01 went live on July 21, 2022. This release adds a new feature that adds the ability to  "Mass Edit Inventory Items". This release also adds a new report that enables you to compare the cost being paid for inventory items across all of your sites (locations) called the "Site Cost Comparison". Finally, this release includes a new accounting system interface with Oracle NetSuite Cloud Accounting.  

The Mass Edit Inventory Items feature provides a fast way to view and modify the attributes of your inventory items. While the Inventory Item Setup feature can only edit a single inventory item at a time, the Mass Edit Inventory Items uses a "grid" that enables you to view and/or modify multiple inventory items simultaneously. Some of the options on the Mass Modify Items grid are below. This article reviews the Mass Edit Inventory Items feature in more detail

  • The Mass Edit Inventory Items feature uses a "Grid" to provide a fast way to view or edit multiple inventory items simultaneously.  
  • The grid is wide (it has columns for almost every item attribute) so almost all information about an item can be viewed or edited via a common grid.   
  • If you want to review or edit more than one inventory item simultaneously, this feature is much easier and faster than the Inventory Items Setup feature. 
  • If you want to sort, filter, or find inventory items that meet specific criteria, this feature is very effective.  
  • The Mass Edit Items grid includes columns showing item validation and update activity. These columns make it easy for you to see what items are new or have been updated by your team or our auditors.  
  • The Combined Item assignment for an item can be viewed and/or edited in the Mass Edit Items feature.   
  • There are numerous tools, buttons, sorts, and filters that can be used on the Mass Edit grid to make viewing or editing specific to only the items in the grid you want to view or edit.   

The Site Cost Comparison will report the last received cost and date for inventory items for each Site in your database, in side-by-side columns. It will run for a selected date range, inventory department, category, or group, and for all or a selected vendor.  You can drill down on a cost to see the invoice detail. This article reviews the Site Cost Comparison report in more detail. 

Oracle NetSuite Cloud Accounting interface: We have a new accounting system interface with NetSuite Accounting. This interface can export inventory adjustments to the NetSuite General Ledger and invoice receiving transactions to NetSuite Accounts Payable.  

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