Clear Out of Stock Items from Counts - FAQs


It is very important to enter "0" counts if you want to keep your inventory count entry clean (meaning only showing active items). Only items with an item status of "active" show up on the inventory count worksheet and count entry display. 

The best way to flag items that have been active, but are no longer active (they are no longer in stock) is to enter a zero ("0") for the Pack Size Quantity when entering an Inventory Count. An example of entering a "0" for the Pack Quantity count is below:

In the above example, the "Chobani Non-Fat Greek Yogurt" and the "Coffee Mate Liquid" inventory Items have a "0" Pack Quantity count entry which will cause their status to change to Inactive when the count is saved.  This means these items will not show up on a future count entry or count worksheet unless/until they are received again on an invoice.  

It is very important to enter "0" counts if you want to keep your inventory count entry clean (meaning only showing active items). And you don't need to worry about flagging an item as inactive via a "0" count because it will automatically become active again if you ever receive it on an invoice again. 

Please note we have a reminder on the count entry display to "Enter "0" in Pack Qty if "out of stock" (highlighted in red in the example above). However, it is important to remind people taking counts on tablets or entering counts on worksheets to enter or record "0" as it really does make it much easier to count inventory when only active items appear. 

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