Use Special Navigation Options


COGS-Well has several unique navigation options on the main menu that can save you time and make navigation easier.

Clicking this "Star" Button will create a bookmark for the feature that you have open at the time you click it.  A bookmark can be assigned to any feature, worksheet, listing, or report in COGS-Well.  Once you bookmark a feature, it will show up in a selection window whenever you click on the Star Button. You can then select a bookmarked feature to navigate directly to that feature (an example is below example:

COGS-Well allows you to open more than one feature at the same time. This unique capability enables you to view or work on multiple features concurrently. The "X" button will automatically close each open feature when you don't need them anymore. If you have multiple features open concurrently, this will save you the need to close and exit from each open feature. There is an example towards the end of this article. In the example below we have three features open at the same time and clicking the "X" will close all three at once. 

This display shows the name of the Company you are logged into. Clicking the drop-down button on the right will display the Site or Sites you have set up and have access to in your database. You can then select to navigate from your Company to a specific Site by selecting that Site (an example is below). Please note that administrators control access to your company and sites. 

Some of our customers have multiple companies set up in COGS-Well. If you have more than one company, then you can click on the COGS-Well logo on the far right of the Main Menu Bar to get a display of all of your companies. You can then select to navigate to the company you desire. 

Dashboard Jump Buttons:

Jump Buttons (">") act as direct links to the feature in the description on a Dashboard. They are set to look back 30 days into history. In the example below, if you wanted to see what items the 22 Cost Alerts are for then you can click on the jump button and go directly to the Cost Alerts Report for those items over the last 30 days. Or, if you wanted to see the 9 new inventory items that have come in over the last 30 days, then you can click on the jump button to go directly to the Inventory Items Listing that will be filtered for new items over the last 30 days. 

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