Mobile Phone Scanning - Apple (Using Adobe Scan)


The Adobe Scan app allows users to scan invoices using a mobile phone and email the images to COGS-Well’s Invoice+ image to digital data conversion software.  You can download Adobe Scan from the App Store for your mobile device. 

The Adobe Scan app is free and is available in the Apple or Android App Store for your mobile device. The Apple and Android versions are slightly different and this article is for the Apple Adobe Scan app. Once you download the app to your mobile device you will be ready to start scanning invoices. 

Using Adobe Scan:

If you open the Adobe Scan app and land on their home page as shown in the example below, select the camera option (highlighted in red in the example below): 

Scanning: If you open the Adobe Scan app and land on their "Document" page as shown in the example below, then you will be ready to start taking pictures of your invoices (make sure the Document option has been selected. In the example below, we have already aimed the camera at an invoice: 

Important: We have all of the invoices we want to scan in a stack and we will scan the top invoice, and then remove it to scan the next invoice until all of the invoices have been scanned. It is very important to capture the entire invoice in your picture and to make sure the information is readable. Wrinkled, smudged, or invoices with faded type do not convert to digital data well. Try not to cast a shadow over the invoice as well. 

Icons on the Bottom of the Display:

To manually take a picture of an invoice you can hold your camera above the invoice, center the invoice and make sure it looks clear, make sure the entire invoice is in the picture, and then press the circle button. A picture will be taken and saved.

You can click the auto-capture icon to the left of the circle icon, then hold your camera over the invoice, frame it using the four blue dots, make sure the entire invoice is in the picture, and a picture will be automatically taken after you hold your phone steady over the invoice. 

The pages icon will show you how many pages you have scanned. Don’t click on this button until you are ready to save your scans. If you have invoices that are more than one page, it is fine to take pictures of one page at a time, but make sure to take them in sequence.

This is an auto-flash icon that you can enable to automatically go off with each photo in the event you do not have good light. When the auto-flash is turned on, you will see an "A" next to the icon. Normally, you do not need to use this feature. 


After you take a picture of each invoice, or each page of an invoice that has multiple pages, you will want to press the "Continue" button as shown in the example below. Please note that if you think the image is of poor quality, or if you did not capture the entire invoice, then you can select "Retake" the image. After you select to continue, you will be ready to take another picture of an invoice.

Save Images to a PDF:

After you have taken pictures of all of your invoices you will want to save the images to a PDF. Select the Pages Icon at the bottom right of your display to have the option to view all of your invoice images or save them to a single PDF. The example below is of the screen that displays after you select the Pages Icon.     

File Name: Before you save, you can click on the pencil next to the Adobe Scan file name in the example above to change the name to something like your restaurant name. Saving the images is done by selecting the "Save PDF" button as shown in the example above:

Email Images: 

After you save your images as a PDF, an Adobe Scan will display a screen like the example below. Please notice that your most recently saved PDF will display at the top which in our example below was saved as Jake's Cafe 9-7-22. Select the Share button as shown in the example directly below and then select Email as shown in the second example below: 

After you select the email option, an email will open with the subject/title that you used to save the PDF and the PDF attached as shown in the example below. Type in the COGS-Well email address that you were provided for sending images and select to send your email. You are done! 

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