Mobile Phone Scanning - Apple Notes (Using Notes)


iPhones come loaded with an app called "Notes". Notes includes an option for scanning documents and emailing the image or images in a PDF.  The Notes app will typically be included on your iPhone menu as outlined in red and shown in the example below. If you don't see the app, you should be able to use the search feature to find it:

Using Notes to Scan:

Open Notes: Open the Notes app and you will see a display similar to the below (if you have some notes saved, then they will be listed):

Add Note: Select the "add new note" function which is outlined in red in the example above and a screen like the one below will display. Next, select the camera icon which is outlined in red in the example below:

Scan Documents: After selecting the camera icon, you will see a screen like the one below. Select the option to "Scan Documents" which is outlined in red in the example below:

Scanning: After selecting the Scan Documents option, your camera will open and the scanning feature will be activated. In the example below, we are holding the phone over an invoice that is lying on a flat surface with good lighting. 

Important: We have all of the invoices we want to scan in a stack and we will scan the top invoice, and then remove it to scan the next invoice until all of the invoices have been scanned. it is very important to capture the entire invoice in your picture and to make sure the information is readable. Wrinkled, smudged, or invoices with faded type do not convert to digital data well. Try not to cast a shadow over the invoice as well. 

Manual Scanning: Please note that the "Manual" option in the top right of the screen above has been selected. When Manual is selected, you can use the take photo button (the circle at the bottom) to scan (take a picture) one invoice at a time. After each scan, you will have the option to either Retake the picture or Keep the Scan as shown in the display below. When you Keep the Scan you can repeat the process on the next invoice.  


Auto-Scanning: There is an option to automatically scan documents. The sensor for auto-scanning will take a picture when you frame the invoice and stop moving the camera. This feature can save time, but until you get proficient at framing your invoices before you take pictures, it can result in you capturing poor images. In the example below, the Auto option has been selected. Once a picture is taken, you will automatically be ready to take the next picture:

Save: Select the "Save" button on the bottom right of the example above when you are ready to save your scanned images.  A screen like the one in the example below will display. Next, select the Menu option at the top right side of the display which is outlined in red in the example below:

Send a Copy: Below is an example of the screen that will display after you select the menu option as shown in the example above. Next, select the "Send a Copy" option which is outlined in red in the example below:

Select to Email: After you select the Send a Copy option, your normal options for sending copies will display. Select your email account to send an email as per the example below:

Email the PDF to COGS-Well: After you select the email option, an email will open and the PDF will be attached as shown in the example below. Type in the COGS-Well email address that you were provided for sending images and select to send your email. You are done! 

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