Release Notes - Version 22.12.02


Release 22.12.02 went live on January 11, 2023. Below is a bullet list of the updates and new features in this new release. 

  • A new feature to Mass View and Edit Recipe Items.
  • The Theoretical Cost of Sales Report now includes an option to filter for a specific Recipe Group. 
  • For entering orders, a vendor can now be flagged to display items using the inventory item name instead of the vendor's item name. 
  • A Vendor Group can now filter the Expected Delivery Report. 
  • A "Column Chooser" has been added to the Inventory Item, Recipe Item, and Vendor Find Grids.
  • A new option for the Receiving By Item Report to support "top x" sorting. 
  • A new option in Company Settings to require the use of an Order Template if one has been created for a Vendor. 
  • A new option in Company Settings to require the selection of an Inventory Group for the Transfer Worksheet and Entry.
  • A new option in Company Settings to only include Count Units on the Transfer Worksheet and Entry. 
  • A new option in Company Settings to not default a Transfer Fulfillment quantity to the requested quantity. 
  • A new option in Company Settings to hide new Items since the last count date. 
  • We have new vendor invoice integrations with Plainfield, Coastal, and Ferraro Foods. 

Added Detail:

Below is added detail about some of the new features where a little more detail may be helpful: 

Mass Edit Recipe Items: The Mass Edit Recipe Items feature uses a grid to display all of your recipe items simultaneously. The Recipe Items are in rows and there are columns on the grid for item information and configurable attributes. You can use the grid to view items, modify items, filter, or sort columns to display only the items that meet the desired criteria.  

One of the handy options on this grid is that the Sales Category can be changed for multiple items simultaneously. There are additional columns on the grid to the right of what shows on the display below. For more information please see this article on Mass Edit Recipe Items.  The Mass Edit Recipe Items feature is available via Recipes & Sales>Setup>Mass Edit Recipe Items. 

Receiving By Item Top X sorting: 

The report parameters display now includes an option to run a "Sortable" version of the Receiving by Item report to sort Top X items (highest to lowest or lowest to highest) for received item costs, quantities, or total cost.  The sort button can be clicked to invoke the sort.  Below is an example of the report with the Sortable option selected:

Column Chooser on Inventory Item, Recipe Item, and Vendor Find Grids: A column chooser can now select which columns will display on the inventory item, recipe item, and vendor find grids. A "find grid" is displayed when you navigate to the inventory item, recipe item, or vendor setup features.  The column chooser button is highlighted in red in the example of the inventory item find grid below.  

You can use the checkboxes in the column chooser to select which columns display. After you exit the inventory setup feature, the grid will go back to its normal column display.  

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