Cost of Sales Site Detail Comparison Report


The Cost of Sales Site Detail Comparison Report enables you to report your cost of sales, in both dollars and as a percent of sales, for multiple sites, and four consecutive periods. The Cost of Sales (GOGS) is reported as the total cost of goods sold for each site.

Things to know!

  • This report will only be accessible and visible to users who are given access to this report function. 
  • COGS-Well support will typically set up your Sales and Cost Classes. If your Classes are not configured, please ask COGS-Well support for help if you would like assistance. 
  • A POS interface is required to capture the sales used in this report.
  • Please note that the revenue reported is calculated based on your sales mix (versus a financial total from your POS). 
  • This report calculates sales and costs, for four forward-looking periods, based on the date selected for the first ending count date.

Report Parameters

To Run a Cost of Sales Site Detail Comparison report, navigate to Recipes & Sales>Reports>Cost of Sales>Cost of Sales Site Detail Comparison. Upon selection, a Report Parameters screen like the one below will display:

Site Group: If you are logged in at the company level and have set up site groups, then you can use the drop-down to select a site group.

Site: You can use the drop-down to select a specific site, or report for all of your sites.

Inventory Count Types: If you enter counts that are not full valuation counts, and you wish to include those counts in your count selection date, then you can use the drop-down to select all counts to display when you select a begin or end count date.

End Count Date: From the drop-down calendar, select a date for the ending inventory count. This will be the ending count for the first period of the four periods that will be reported.

Inventory Department: This report can be run for a selected inventory department.

Inventory Category: This report can be run for a selected inventory category.

Inventory Group: This report can be run for a selected inventory group.

Price Type: You can use the drop-down to select to use the average, retail, or model price for menu items on this report.

Run Report: Once you have selected your report parameters, click the Run Report button to list the report.

The above is reporting four ending count periods across the horizontal axis and sites down the vertical axis.

On the first row, sales are totaled for all sites and reported for each ending period.

On the second row, the cost of goods sold (GOGS) and the costs as a percentage of sales are totaled for all sites and reported for each ending period.

The sales, costs, and costs as a percentage of sales for each site are reported after the above.

Sales are totaled for each site and reported under the site name.

A cost for each Cost Class is reported for each site. The costs are reported in dollars first and then as a percentage of sales.

Report Options: For a description of the toolbar provided at the top of the report, please see "Report Options" for help. Report Options link.

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