Controller Actions for Report Books


A Controller Action is used to schedule a task to launch automatically. Controller Actions are used to launch Report Book distribution tasks in addition to integration tasks.

Things to know!

  • The Controller Actions feature will only be available to System Administration Users.
  • Controller Actions are used to launch Report Book distribution tasks in addition to integration tasks.
  • Report Books need to be configured in advance so they can be used in a Controller Action for a Report Book distribution.
  • User Groups need to be set up in advance so they can be used in a Controller Action for a Report Book distribution.
  • Please contact COGS-Well support at if you need help configuring a Controller Action.

Configuring a Controller Action for a Report Book:

Navigate to Tools>Collection>Controller Actions:

Upon selection of Controller Actions, a grid like the one below will display all of the Controller Actions that have already been set up:

Add a New Controller Task for a Report Book:

Click on the blue + Add button in the grid header to add a new Controller Action. You will see a display to add a new controller action like the one below:

Integration Name: Use the drop-down to select Report Books (Report Distribution) as the task type. All of the other system integration tasks that have been configured will also be displayed. In this example, we will select Report Books (Report Distribution) as the Integration Task name.

Run Time: Click the clock button and select the time of day that you desire the action to launch. Time options are in 15-minute increments.

Run Daily: The default configuration for this field is daily. If you do not need this Report Book to run daily, then uncheck the box in this field. The result will be more scheduling options as shown below:

Other Scheduling Options: In the example above, there are other scheduling options. Offset Days are the days between each launch. Otherwise, you can select to launch the run on a specific day of the week.

For our example Report Book (End or Period Reporting), we are going to select a Run day of the month of "1" so it will run on the first day of each new month. Be careful to align your run time with your day or date selection.

Active: The purpose of this field is to allow you to make an active Controller Action inactive by deleting the checkmark. An Inactive Controller Action can be made Active again by clicking the checkmark box.

Report Book: You will need to have already configured at least one Report Book. Use the drop-down to select the Report Book that you desire. For this example, we are selecting the Report Book for "End of Period Reporting".

User Group: You will need to have already configured at least one User Group. Use the drop-down to select the User Group that you desire. For this example, we are selecting the User Group for "Jake's Operations Team".

Output File Type: Use the drop-down to select your preferred file type for the Report Book. In this example, we are selecting "PDF".

Save and Exit:

Save: Saves information you have entered, but does not exit.

Exit: Exits the tab. If you have made changes you will be asked, "Are you Sure?"

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